today, went to school. for the NE thingy. partnered SiauHui and brought an auntie around the school. have to thank SiauHui alot alot. because the auntie only spoke hokkien, and though i am hokkien, my speaking of hokkien is really totally private limited lo....... i only know how to listen, but i dont really know how to speak. hahah. SiauHui was the one who really took care of the auntie... hahha.... spoke to her, companied her, communicated with her. hahah... yeah, it was a fun day.
have to thank alot of people today, because i am quite a happy girl today.
firstly, khairul gave me a huge baby tazmania... hahha. and yeah, it's HUGE. hahaa.... mummy laughed at me when she saw it. going to take a picture of it, and post it up. hahha. thanks khairul!!! ^^
secondly, have to thank HongYi, for helping me complete my lappie. regarding the Microsoft Office, and the installation of chinese software, so i can type chinese words with this lappie. hahah...
thirdly, have to thank PeiShan for helping me download mozilla firefox, addition of the speed dial and add-on, and theme. hahah....... really very nice. ahah.. =)))))
walked home today. with my lappie in my bag, weighing on my shoulder, and carrying the huge baby tazmania with me. am tired. but happy. hahah =))))))
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
work today is considered ok. there were times when we were VERY busy, there were times when we were standing there, and grumbling to each other that we were very bored. hahaa. and i think 1460 style is cursed on me. i consecutively served 2 different customers who wanted to try that style of shirt, but ended up one customer nt buying, another took a different one after trying one new piece. haish.... kally kor kor asked me why i seem like opening alot of shirts... not as though i wanted it la~~~
break was fun... hahha. went with derick, then leon joined us a while later. he ate mixed vegetable rice with us, but what makes everything funny was that his 'one veggie, one meat' plate of rice cost him $3.50, while mine cost only $2.20, derick's 3 different veggie + meat costed mhim 3 bucks. hahah. the reason was because leon actually ordered sotong, then they charged the sotong $1 per piece. then the person accidentally gave him another 1 pc, + 1 sotong head. so his lunch of rice, beansprout and 2.5 sotong actually cost him 3.50 bucks. he was damn angry and heart pain la~... and he grumbled about it the whole day. the scenario was really really funny lo... hahha.
then after work, derick actually self-proclaimed that he is our sister. haha. coz he didnt take the alteration bag out, when i told him and KaiWen to go take it, as they were guys. he say, he is our sister, plus his pink PSP. haha. and we went, derick is sister~~ blah blah. then he said LiChao is aunty, because she is older than him. lol. then he went talking about how aunties behave, asking her nt to be like them. blah blah. the three of us laughed like hell lo... ahhaha.......... thinking back now, i havent been laughing until like that for the past few days. haha. seems nice to be back to 'normal'. not totally yet, but somehow or rather, almost there. haha.
im glad that i got ur message. at least i know u care. maybe things arent as bad as i thought.
break was fun... hahha. went with derick, then leon joined us a while later. he ate mixed vegetable rice with us, but what makes everything funny was that his 'one veggie, one meat' plate of rice cost him $3.50, while mine cost only $2.20, derick's 3 different veggie + meat costed mhim 3 bucks. hahah. the reason was because leon actually ordered sotong, then they charged the sotong $1 per piece. then the person accidentally gave him another 1 pc, + 1 sotong head. so his lunch of rice, beansprout and 2.5 sotong actually cost him 3.50 bucks. he was damn angry and heart pain la~... and he grumbled about it the whole day. the scenario was really really funny lo... hahha.
then after work, derick actually self-proclaimed that he is our sister. haha. coz he didnt take the alteration bag out, when i told him and KaiWen to go take it, as they were guys. he say, he is our sister, plus his pink PSP. haha. and we went, derick is sister~~ blah blah. then he said LiChao is aunty, because she is older than him. lol. then he went talking about how aunties behave, asking her nt to be like them. blah blah. the three of us laughed like hell lo... ahhaha.......... thinking back now, i havent been laughing until like that for the past few days. haha. seems nice to be back to 'normal'. not totally yet, but somehow or rather, almost there. haha.
im glad that i got ur message. at least i know u care. maybe things arent as bad as i thought.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
am back from wushu training. sweat a lot a alot... i think this is the first time i sweat so much ba???? this few weeks have been sweating alot, so much that i cant stand those smelly smelly smells. haha. eric is back. haha. means we can slack a bit more. not like past weeks, whereby we couldnt really sweat. especially last week, when JingFu was our coach. omg.. glad that eric is back. haah.. then me and JingTing ordered our uniforms. eric went "u two finally ordered uniform wor...." -.- and i think i accidentally pulled a muscle at my leg. and my neck. my neck was alright after a while. but my leg has been hurting from just now, till now. tomorrow afternoon shif somemore. haish~... aiya, never mind. tomorrow should be okay le. hahah. oh yahs.... after training, me bought McFlurry. JingTing told me that McFlurry is damn fattening. then tomorrow for dinner, i am intending to eat oyster ommelette somemore. hahah. then next week, i am not going for training. instead, will be going for WingTai's dinner and dance. no training, no sweating out, but eating things that will make me put on more weight. so, i've make up my mind. i will do housekeeping this week. and next week. to make up the training and sweating i am going to miss. that will mean that if possible, vaccum, wipe mirror, and even moping the floor shall be done by me. haha. i guess no one will fight with me at men side bah. hahha...... ok. set. i will do housekeeping even if i am tired. hahha. =)
i forgot that i have not blogged two very important things. my results, and the bbq outing on 22nd september. heheh
results: they were released.. like 1 week plus plus ago???? okok... basically, the grades were okay..... but i am not happy with my GPA. i guess that is what i have to say bah. some of my grades were unexpected, some.... im glad that it turned out this way. i guess i have to buck up next semester to bu hui my GPA le. jiayou for next semester lo. =)))
22nd september outing: it was quite fun la. me and jingting reached there about.... 3pm or 4pm +. took bus 31, then walked a short distance. passed a underpass, and a highway. hahah. fun experience. sit there rot for a while, then because we were too bored, we went to rent a bicycle. then she biked me around..... from our pit there to bedok jetty, one round and back. quite fun lo. then went back, read a bit of comic 'quan er' brought by weichong. then the guys started fire. and they took quite a while to start it. i've got nothing to say, coz i dont know how to start one myself. hahah. im contended that there were people doing the bbq-ing, while i just sit there and eat eat eat, drink drink drink. hahha..... was during evening time when more people came. time passed quite fast, then daddy came and picked me home lo. reached home about 11pm+. damn early lo. counted down to my birthday facing my notebook. haha..... guess that's about it.
training later. sians.... i forgot about half of the gong li quan that i learnt last week. good luck to me. =x
results: they were released.. like 1 week plus plus ago???? okok... basically, the grades were okay..... but i am not happy with my GPA. i guess that is what i have to say bah. some of my grades were unexpected, some.... im glad that it turned out this way. i guess i have to buck up next semester to bu hui my GPA le. jiayou for next semester lo. =)))
22nd september outing: it was quite fun la. me and jingting reached there about.... 3pm or 4pm +. took bus 31, then walked a short distance. passed a underpass, and a highway. hahah. fun experience. sit there rot for a while, then because we were too bored, we went to rent a bicycle. then she biked me around..... from our pit there to bedok jetty, one round and back. quite fun lo. then went back, read a bit of comic 'quan er' brought by weichong. then the guys started fire. and they took quite a while to start it. i've got nothing to say, coz i dont know how to start one myself. hahah. im contended that there were people doing the bbq-ing, while i just sit there and eat eat eat, drink drink drink. hahha..... was during evening time when more people came. time passed quite fast, then daddy came and picked me home lo. reached home about 11pm+. damn early lo. counted down to my birthday facing my notebook. haha..... guess that's about it.
training later. sians.... i forgot about half of the gong li quan that i learnt last week. good luck to me. =x
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
i've uploaded some pictures.
let's let the pictures do the talking.
taken at the bbq at east coast.
not i make one, obviously....
made by someone i dont know....
given by michelle ^^
thanks mimi!!!
i've got a cake.^^
chocolate somemore!!!!
and it's nice ok~
thanks miaoru!!!!
thanks miaoru!!!!
miaomiao also gave me a card.
she bought me to aries,to choose a hairclip that i liked most.
not forgetting the ice jelly she treated me. ^^
once again,
thanks miaomiao!!!!!!

the four red packets that i received from my
aunts, uncles, grand aunt and uncle.
baby auntie chloe and family.
but, she wrote her name only.
'to: shi ping
from: chloe wee'
what i did with all my semester 1 notes.
and i tidied up my cupboard.
nice, neat and tidy.
that is nice. ^^
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
i officially announce that i have no more eye-candy.
he is no longer my eye-candy anymore.
dont ask me why.
i will say when i feel like doing so.
he just isnt.
derick choo zhen feng took MC from work today.
and i had to cover him at ladies.
win liao lor.
actually, it wasnt that bad.
i mean, work at ladies.
because there wasnt a lot of people today.
comment about customers today:
a mother and son came to men side to buy clothes for the guy, (the son la.. )
what i have to say about that guy is that
he really is a mummy's boy.
he is like..... 20+???
but the size of his shirt has to be decided by his mum lo!!!!!
if that wasnt enough,
he wanted to alter his pants,
and when i helped him,
i asked him if he wanted me to measure it according to his shoes,
or alter to ground length, touch floor,
he actually told me to ask his mum!!!!!!!!!!!
pls lo.. he is the one who will be wearing the pants.
why his mum decide for him????
then the mum later requested that she wants
the excesss cloth from the pants that they are altering.
is there a need?
i wonder.
*shakes head*
Monday, September 24, 2007
THANKS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
had a wonderful day today.
thanks for all the birthday wishes.
Wendy (mummie) (15th september to 16th september)
Derick Choo (15th september to 16th september)
Claire (15th september to 16th september)
JianWei (15th september to 16th september)
wushu peeps, coaches at bbq (22nd september)
Wendy Su (17th september)
Khairul (23rd september, 00:00)
Shimin (jie)
Corinne (tong lei)
Derick Tan
WengYan (xiaomao)
Michelle (mimi)
MiaoRu (miaomiao)
WeiChong (tong lei)
Leon (ah boy)
cousins, uncles, aunties,
grand uncle, auntie.
Janella (23rd september, 23:59)
Jonathan Pee
ChoonHOng (26th september)
i've tried my best to put all the names according to date and time i received.
im sorry if i missed anyone out.
when i think of it again,
i will blog it again.
photos will be uploaded soon.
i hope. hahah
fun day today. ^^V
thanks everyone....
happy 17th birthday to me!!!!!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
erm....i got tag by khairul. i dont know how to do it. but i try my best la.. hahah =PP
1. The person who tagged you is : khairul
2. Your relationship with him/her: my poly classmate..
3. Your 5 impressions with him/her: funny, happy go lucky, cheerful, nice, cool
4. The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you: helped me with my physical chemistry graphs in the middle of the night by calling me and helping me solved it when he wasnt done with his in the first place.
5. The most memorable words that he/she had said to you: 'hey' coz that is what he always says.
6. If he/she will become your lover, you will: -.-???
7. If he/she become your lover, things he/she will have to improve on will be: erm....be more confident???
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will: miss chatting with him
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason being will be: i dont know.....
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: being my best male buddy
11. Your overall impression of him/her is: happy go lucky, cheerful
12. How do you think people around you feel about you: silly, sotong, blur, scatterbrain
13. The character you love of yourself is: my blurness cause jokes. i can have funny thoughts suddenly...
14. On the contrary, the character you hate of yourself is: no self confidence, no determination
15. The most ideal person you want to be: no idea... nv think before....
16. Pass this quiz to 10 people: 1. Felyssia 2. PeiShan 3. WengYan 4.MiaoRu 5. YuYing 6. HongYi 7. ShiMin 8. Corinne 9. JingTing 10. WeiChong( in no particular order.)
17. Who is 6 having a relationship with?: my bestie, PeiShan (no. 2)
18. Is no.9 a male or female?: female
19. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?: i dont think so.. hhaa..
20. How about no.8 and 5? : cannot cannot!!! they are both gals !!!!
21. What is no.2 studying about?: diploma in pharmaceutical science lo.....
22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?: erm...... monday??? i think so....
23. What kind of music band does no.8 likes?: i dont know.... tong lei, u like what song ah?
24. Does no.1 have any siblings?: i dont know leh... haha
25. Will you woo no.3?: she is my darling sister lo....
26. Is no.4 single?: yeps!!
27. What's the surname of no.5?: Tham. ^^V
28. What's the hobby of no.4?: play piano? listen to music... she likes to dance. she likes hanging around with xiaomao.
29. Do no.5 and no.9 get along well?: i dont know. ok ba.. i think
30. Where is no.2 studying at?: nanyang poly
31. Talk something casually about no.1?: she got baby face!!! i thought she is sam age as me, but she isnt!!! she is quite mature though...
32. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?: no, and cant. hahh!!!!
33. Where does no.9 live at?: singapore, tampines
34. What colours does no.4 likes?: PURPLE!!!
35. Are no. 5 and 1 best friends?: they dont know each other la...
36. Does no.7 like no.2?: they dont know each other also....
37. How do you get to know no.2?: poly....
38. Does no.1 have any pets?: i dont know... i dont think so. hahha
39. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?: confirm, gurantee, plus chop, nopes. but she can be the best sister SOMETIMES.... haaha
1. The person who tagged you is : khairul
2. Your relationship with him/her: my poly classmate..
3. Your 5 impressions with him/her: funny, happy go lucky, cheerful, nice, cool
4. The most memorable thing that he/she had done for you: helped me with my physical chemistry graphs in the middle of the night by calling me and helping me solved it when he wasnt done with his in the first place.
5. The most memorable words that he/she had said to you: 'hey' coz that is what he always says.
6. If he/she will become your lover, you will: -.-???
7. If he/she become your lover, things he/she will have to improve on will be: erm....be more confident???
8. If he/she become your enemy, you will: miss chatting with him
9. If he/she become your enemy, the reason being will be: i dont know.....
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: being my best male buddy
11. Your overall impression of him/her is: happy go lucky, cheerful
12. How do you think people around you feel about you: silly, sotong, blur, scatterbrain
13. The character you love of yourself is: my blurness cause jokes. i can have funny thoughts suddenly...
14. On the contrary, the character you hate of yourself is: no self confidence, no determination
15. The most ideal person you want to be: no idea... nv think before....
16. Pass this quiz to 10 people: 1. Felyssia 2. PeiShan 3. WengYan 4.MiaoRu 5. YuYing 6. HongYi 7. ShiMin 8. Corinne 9. JingTing 10. WeiChong( in no particular order.)
17. Who is 6 having a relationship with?: my bestie, PeiShan (no. 2)
18. Is no.9 a male or female?: female
19. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?: i dont think so.. hhaa..
20. How about no.8 and 5? : cannot cannot!!! they are both gals !!!!
21. What is no.2 studying about?: diploma in pharmaceutical science lo.....
22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?: erm...... monday??? i think so....
23. What kind of music band does no.8 likes?: i dont know.... tong lei, u like what song ah?
24. Does no.1 have any siblings?: i dont know leh... haha
25. Will you woo no.3?: she is my darling sister lo....
26. Is no.4 single?: yeps!!
27. What's the surname of no.5?: Tham. ^^V
28. What's the hobby of no.4?: play piano? listen to music... she likes to dance. she likes hanging around with xiaomao.
29. Do no.5 and no.9 get along well?: i dont know. ok ba.. i think
30. Where is no.2 studying at?: nanyang poly
31. Talk something casually about no.1?: she got baby face!!! i thought she is sam age as me, but she isnt!!! she is quite mature though...
32. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?: no, and cant. hahh!!!!
33. Where does no.9 live at?: singapore, tampines
34. What colours does no.4 likes?: PURPLE!!!
35. Are no. 5 and 1 best friends?: they dont know each other la...
36. Does no.7 like no.2?: they dont know each other also....
37. How do you get to know no.2?: poly....
38. Does no.1 have any pets?: i dont know... i dont think so. hahha
39. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?: confirm, gurantee, plus chop, nopes. but she can be the best sister SOMETIMES.... haaha
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me~~
happy birthday to me!!!!!!
thanks lots people.
wishes from wushu peeps and coaches.
Khairul for being the first one on 23rd sept
PeiShan for birthday song
HongYi for wishes,
by taking PeiShan's phone. hahah
one with 'no cholesterol,
sugar free...'
for now... i guess that's all.
im waiting for tmr. ^^
meeting michelle and miaoru!!!
at night with family.
i am officially 17 at 12.06pm.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
20th september 2007:
went out with wengyan aka xiaomao
to bugis.
special escalator.
it was going the opposite direction.
but me and xiaomao almost took it to go up.
little scatterbrains.
me look wrong direction.
dont look at the guy behind.
our neoprints.
me and xiaomao
at century square.
21st september 2007:
work at g2000-- i dont like work today.
the 'feedback' affected me alot.
though i tried not to take it to heart.
i feel like i am at men side to create more trouble than work lo.
eye-candy's presence doesnt help.
i just feel shit.
dont ask why.
Friday, September 21, 2007
had fun with xiaomao today.
went to bugis.
walked around...
and i bought the 'little miss' something shirt
that i wanted to buy some time ago.
i bought 'little miss scatterbrain'
i was choosing between
'little miss naughty'
'little miss scatterbrain'.
xiaomao said 'scatterbrain' more suitable for me
then i thought 'scatterbrain' cartoon more cute.
so~ i bought that. hahah
nopes, there wasnt any
'little miss silly'
though i would not buy it anyway.
xiaomao knows why.
she bought a pair of earrings....
then we got nothing to do..
walk walk around,
then went back to tampines
loiter here and there,
and we went to take neoprints.
after that went home.
and i start to rot.
until now.
xiaomao says he look fierce.
makes her scared of him.
she says he looks like manager.
hmm.. hahah
actually he doesnt look fierce to me.
more of kiam pa.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
i received another pressie from my tong lei today.
nopes, not WeiChong
but corinne. ^^
and that pressie reminds me of....

dang ou.
given by miaomiao and wengyan last year.
im hanging it on my bag now.
daddy just came home from thailand.
and bought lots and lots of goodies.
jie jie and me arent asleep yet,
so we get to snatch them first
before fighting with mei mei tmr.
hehe =p
^^well... not everything is for me la.....
all the 'ling ling long long' that daddy bought.
cool cool la..
i love papa. ^^
im going out with xiaomao later.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
i dont wait for mummie wendy poh le.
i upload these guo ying first. hahah
*pics taken on 15092007*
my bah chor mee ^^
yeps, he's the shuai ge i've been talking about.
im not jealous that she took this pic....
and this is not the only one.
there are more in mummie poh's phone. hahah
me and shuai ge JianWei ^^
they are best buddies....
what happen???????
*bursting with laughter*
by claire, derick and wendy ^^
'i chose this present'
so cute lo. ^^
cute right????
thanks people!!! ^^
i love it. ^^
it's obvious she edit it before lah....
anyway, it's our group photo.
derick, claire, me, wendy, jianwei
erm... comsidered a 'summary' bah. hahhaa
i had a fun night. ^^
Monday, September 17, 2007
heyhey!!!!! im here to blog again. hehehe....
let's talk about work first.
work was abit tiring, because i was practically packing stocks yesterday. about 15 cartons came yesterday. well, not alot. but i packed most of them. about 3 cartons of blazers-- which tires me out alot, because i had to climb up and down to change the hangers. then there were 2 cartons full of 'rojak' stocks. that means all 3 labels packed together, with about 2 to 4 pieces per style. aarrgghhh.... that was really really tiring and troublesome. then, there were alot of people also, and sort of messed up almost everythings. we left at 2300. >.<>sunday:
well, work was total sian-za-tion. the mountain which usually doesnt appear unless during sales period, appeared today. i guess it appeared yesterday too. i forgot. anyway, when this happens, it usually means that i am stationed at the fitting room area la... haish.... its ok... except for the part whereby i have to move in and out just to let people pass. a few times is ok. but doing that for alot alot of times really pissed me off.. BUT BUT BUT... i cleared the bin ok~ i cleared it. wahahhaa..... derick was stationed at ladies side till 8pm, then there's Naz and Nuh... so that means that there were 3 guys for me to bully... haha... Naz and Nuh are really nice to bully. haha..... =DDDDD
i msg someone today. but i got no reply. that would mean that, that person shall not receive any messanges from me anymore first, unless it is important. and i mean, REALLY IMPORTANT.
late night supper:
went to bedok blk 85 for supper.. to celebrate my birthday. lunar birthday + early birthdacelebration. heheh. went there with claire, derick and wendy. ah boy and jazz didnt go.. =((.... wendy told me jianwei wasnt ble to make it because he had camp. it turned out when we arrived that he was waiting for us le lo!!!! wendy had me kept in the dark all along, making me down when told me he couldnt meet up with us. haha.. really surprised + happy to see him there. the long time no see handsome dude is still as handsome as ever. hahaha... and yeah, he is still as gentleman as ever. haha. he kept asking me if i need to place my bag somewhere instead of putting it on my lap. hahha.. very ti tie hor???? hahha. and we, or rather, he ordered quite alot of food. hahha.... finished them all. shared alot of jokes and things while eating, then took quite alot of photos. with jianwei of course. hahah. practically all of them has him in it. hahha. then claire, derick and wendy gave me a present. starfish necklance, and it's PURPLE!!!!!! hahha... cool huh???? then we cabbed home at midnight. really had alot alot alot of fun lo..... hmmm.... thanks guys, for making my night, and being the first to celebrate my birthday with me. love u all lots. ^^
pictures shall be uploaded when my darling mummie wendy poh has them sent to me. hehe. cant wait.... ^^ that's all bah.
let's talk about work first.
work was abit tiring, because i was practically packing stocks yesterday. about 15 cartons came yesterday. well, not alot. but i packed most of them. about 3 cartons of blazers-- which tires me out alot, because i had to climb up and down to change the hangers. then there were 2 cartons full of 'rojak' stocks. that means all 3 labels packed together, with about 2 to 4 pieces per style. aarrgghhh.... that was really really tiring and troublesome. then, there were alot of people also, and sort of messed up almost everythings. we left at 2300. >.<>sunday:
well, work was total sian-za-tion. the mountain which usually doesnt appear unless during sales period, appeared today. i guess it appeared yesterday too. i forgot. anyway, when this happens, it usually means that i am stationed at the fitting room area la... haish.... its ok... except for the part whereby i have to move in and out just to let people pass. a few times is ok. but doing that for alot alot of times really pissed me off.. BUT BUT BUT... i cleared the bin ok~ i cleared it. wahahhaa..... derick was stationed at ladies side till 8pm, then there's Naz and Nuh... so that means that there were 3 guys for me to bully... haha... Naz and Nuh are really nice to bully. haha..... =DDDDD
i msg someone today. but i got no reply. that would mean that, that person shall not receive any messanges from me anymore first, unless it is important. and i mean, REALLY IMPORTANT.
late night supper:
went to bedok blk 85 for supper.. to celebrate my birthday. lunar birthday + early birthdacelebration. heheh. went there with claire, derick and wendy. ah boy and jazz didnt go.. =((.... wendy told me jianwei wasnt ble to make it because he had camp. it turned out when we arrived that he was waiting for us le lo!!!! wendy had me kept in the dark all along, making me down when told me he couldnt meet up with us. haha.. really surprised + happy to see him there. the long time no see handsome dude is still as handsome as ever. hahaha... and yeah, he is still as gentleman as ever. haha. he kept asking me if i need to place my bag somewhere instead of putting it on my lap. hahha.. very ti tie hor???? hahha. and we, or rather, he ordered quite alot of food. hahha.... finished them all. shared alot of jokes and things while eating, then took quite alot of photos. with jianwei of course. hahah. practically all of them has him in it. hahha. then claire, derick and wendy gave me a present. starfish necklance, and it's PURPLE!!!!!! hahha... cool huh???? then we cabbed home at midnight. really had alot alot alot of fun lo..... hmmm.... thanks guys, for making my night, and being the first to celebrate my birthday with me. love u all lots. ^^
pictures shall be uploaded when my darling mummie wendy poh has them sent to me. hehe. cant wait.... ^^ that's all bah.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
it's my chinese birthday today!!!!!!!
that means i am 18 years old. hahaha
im counting down to being 17.
but that will mean i wont be the youngest anymore...
since alot of people is 17.
not fair la. haha
i suddenly thought of some things that i want for birtday.
ok. i am going to bribe someone to buy them for me.
wonder who.
that means i am 18 years old. hahaha
im counting down to being 17.
but that will mean i wont be the youngest anymore...
since alot of people is 17.
not fair la. haha
i suddenly thought of some things that i want for birtday.
ok. i am going to bribe someone to buy them for me.
wonder who.
Friday, September 14, 2007
郑伟康 - 对手
康: 电玩 你比我快一关
投篮 我比你狠一点
不管 谁来跟我挑战
T: 饶舌 你速度比我慢
考试念书 我比你逊一点
不管 谁来跟我挑战
康: 我从你倔强眼中看到自己
T: 我快要跑在前头
康: 你是我朋友 也是我对手
看着你成功 我也光荣
T: 这一分钟 你是我对手
很开心有你 陪我斗牛
和: 你是我的朋友
T: 饶舌 你速度比我慢
考试念书 我比你逊一点
不管 谁来跟我挑战
康: 我从你倔强眼中看到自己
T: 我快要跑在前头
康: 你是我朋友 也是我对手
看着你成功 我也光荣
T: 这一分钟 你是我对手
很开心有你 陪我斗牛
康: 你是我朋友 也是我对手
看着你成功 我也光荣
T: 这一分钟 你是我对手
很开心有你 陪我斗牛
最後你就是我不认输的理由 Oh
seriously, i am loving this song more
as i am listening to it again and again.
especially the chorus part.
pictures of the happy times we spent together.
at kbox. we were busy playing and singing that there wasnt any mood for any pics. hahah.
play is more important.^^
our lunch.
miaomiao and xiaomao singing.
i remember... they were singing rainie's song.
haha. ^^
after kbox, we went to arcade.
mimi wanted to play ddr, but we were more interested in daytona instead.
yuying and michelle
we were playing against each other.
i came in number 3.
it's just a game la.... hahah
it's just a game la.... hahah
taken by xiaomao,
coz she dont play this type of games de.
but who cares?
when home after a while.
on our way home, we saw this cute little bear on the 'merry-go-round'
so we took pics with it lo. hahhah
she looks like she's hugging a soft toy lo.
my darling zhi ji
who knows absolute everything about me.
miaomiao and bear bear
me and bear bear too.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
a story
once upon a time, there was an aunty who was transferred from OUB centre to gtm to help out. shun bian claim bck her OT hours. however she was not well-liked by her fellow colleagues. one female part-timer worked with her for only 4 hrs, and couldnt stand her. however, the female part-timer found out that she was not the only on who disliked that aunty. her fellow part-timer colleagues didnt like her as well. she was even more disliked as the days past by. however, taking into account that she is an aunty, and is old, neither of us shot back at her, and instead kept quiet in front of her. oh yah, the reason why she is so disliked is because of her attitude. basically, she thinks she is one big shot herself just because she is older? more experienced or what? no one knows la. heck care anyway. the main point is she always throw things to people to do it, while she does nothing (?) except saying 'hi, welcome'. basically, she is so big shot that senior part-timer gave her a nickname 'cixi tai hou'. or empress dowager cixi.
what happen today is absolutely absurd. gtm is doing their full new launch today. however, the three gals at ladies side didnt wear their new uniform for the following reasons:
(1) the attachment gal forgot to bring
(2) the part-timer didnt have it because there wasnt any stocks
(3) the aunty didnt know it was today to wear it, and since the other two were wearing their old ones, she wore them too..
then that 'cixi tai hou' saw us wear our old uniform when we opened the shop. the first thing she did was to shout across from men side to ladies, asking is why didnt we wear our new uniform. yeah. she SHOUT. as if that wasnt enough, she came across after a while, and asking the three of them ONE BY ONE, demanding the reason why didnt we wear our new uniform. she even cut the part-timer's conversation with a customer just to know the reason why tt part-timer wasnt wearing her new uniform. how bo liao can she get man???? what is she??? she is just an aunty, who doesnt even hold a senior rank, and yet she acts as though she is the head among us. *nag nag nag nag nag*
if this isnt enough, there is also another issue that angered everyone at ladies. including the aunty at ladies. due to the reason that gt is going to be the model shop for all outlets for the next two days, all displayed clothes should be ironed neatly by today. men side has finished almost everything, but ladies havent. and hence, ladies side borrowed one steamer from men side to finish things faster. that 'cixi tai hou' pushed one steamer over, and told us 'u all better iron all the clothes properly FOR ME!!!!!' she said that not even once. about twice she said that lo.
woah. what is she? senior? supervisor? manager? district manager? operation manager???? i dont think she is either. so what quan li does she have to ask us to iron nicely FOR HER????? heck care her. no one listens to her anyway. bull shit is what she is doing. bluahs. i guess the people who disliked her is wishing for the day she returns to her outlet. someone here seriously wonders how did her colleagues there stand her, and would they feel sad that she is transferred here or are they enjoying themselves to bits without her.
what happen today is absolutely absurd. gtm is doing their full new launch today. however, the three gals at ladies side didnt wear their new uniform for the following reasons:
(1) the attachment gal forgot to bring
(2) the part-timer didnt have it because there wasnt any stocks
(3) the aunty didnt know it was today to wear it, and since the other two were wearing their old ones, she wore them too..
then that 'cixi tai hou' saw us wear our old uniform when we opened the shop. the first thing she did was to shout across from men side to ladies, asking is why didnt we wear our new uniform. yeah. she SHOUT. as if that wasnt enough, she came across after a while, and asking the three of them ONE BY ONE, demanding the reason why didnt we wear our new uniform. she even cut the part-timer's conversation with a customer just to know the reason why tt part-timer wasnt wearing her new uniform. how bo liao can she get man???? what is she??? she is just an aunty, who doesnt even hold a senior rank, and yet she acts as though she is the head among us. *nag nag nag nag nag*
if this isnt enough, there is also another issue that angered everyone at ladies. including the aunty at ladies. due to the reason that gt is going to be the model shop for all outlets for the next two days, all displayed clothes should be ironed neatly by today. men side has finished almost everything, but ladies havent. and hence, ladies side borrowed one steamer from men side to finish things faster. that 'cixi tai hou' pushed one steamer over, and told us 'u all better iron all the clothes properly FOR ME!!!!!' she said that not even once. about twice she said that lo.
woah. what is she? senior? supervisor? manager? district manager? operation manager???? i dont think she is either. so what quan li does she have to ask us to iron nicely FOR HER????? heck care her. no one listens to her anyway. bull shit is what she is doing. bluahs. i guess the people who disliked her is wishing for the day she returns to her outlet. someone here seriously wonders how did her colleagues there stand her, and would they feel sad that she is transferred here or are they enjoying themselves to bits without her.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
back to blogging...
went out with xiaomao, miaomiao, yuying and darling mimi to celebrate a belated birthday for mimi... went to kbox at marina.. we were all damn high de.. hahha.... i gt the chance to sang some of my favourite songs. like 'zui jing', 'hurt so bad' and 'guo yun yu'. yep yep. songs by zhang jing xuan is nice de.... time passed damn fast, then our last song was 'chao xi huan ni' by farenheit. we were high dao..... hahah...
after that we went to the arcade. we played about 2 to 3 rounds of daytona.. OMG. is damn fun de lo. especially after i just finished initial d. haa.... i was 3rd among 4 players. hahha... miaomiao they all... cnt tell they can really play lo.
after that went back to tampines. coz mimi gt tuition. then went to tm arcade... play another round of daytona again. i forgot my position. hahaha...... then mimi went off... after dinner, xiaomao, miaomiao and yuying went home..i went to work. >.<>saturday:
afternoon shift, but i left home early... to collect my new specky. hhaha... my 220 bucks. someone saw me in it, and said that my new specky makes my eyes look even smaller. >.<>.<>.<>sunday:
well... what to say? work as usual. nothing much happen, except for some things. which.... makes me think.
the greatest misunderstanding was cleared yesterday. i made my stand clear. i do hope u didnt misunderstand anything. like what i thought. no hope makes no disappointment.
went out with xiaomao, miaomiao, yuying and darling mimi to celebrate a belated birthday for mimi... went to kbox at marina.. we were all damn high de.. hahha.... i gt the chance to sang some of my favourite songs. like 'zui jing', 'hurt so bad' and 'guo yun yu'. yep yep. songs by zhang jing xuan is nice de.... time passed damn fast, then our last song was 'chao xi huan ni' by farenheit. we were high dao..... hahah...
after that we went to the arcade. we played about 2 to 3 rounds of daytona.. OMG. is damn fun de lo. especially after i just finished initial d. haa.... i was 3rd among 4 players. hahha... miaomiao they all... cnt tell they can really play lo.
after that went back to tampines. coz mimi gt tuition. then went to tm arcade... play another round of daytona again. i forgot my position. hahaha...... then mimi went off... after dinner, xiaomao, miaomiao and yuying went home..i went to work. >.<>saturday:
afternoon shift, but i left home early... to collect my new specky. hhaha... my 220 bucks. someone saw me in it, and said that my new specky makes my eyes look even smaller. >.<>.<>.<>sunday:
well... what to say? work as usual. nothing much happen, except for some things. which.... makes me think.
the greatest misunderstanding was cleared yesterday. i made my stand clear. i do hope u didnt misunderstand anything. like what i thought. no hope makes no disappointment.
Friday, September 07, 2007
i am addicted to huan huan ai, aka why why love, lots.
i had been huan huan ai-ing the whole afternoon today.
and it's really really nice and funny lo!!!!!!!
and..... omg.... he jun xiang is SUPER DUPER HANDSOME + CUTE lah......
i like his features, especially his eyes......
and his character in the show.
he might look very bad on the outside, but he is actually very sensitive inside.
omg..... he jun xiang... *drools*
PeiShan is going to say i am hua chi again after she sees this... hahahh
anw, it's really really nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahal.
i had been huan huan ai-ing the whole afternoon today.
and it's really really nice and funny lo!!!!!!!
and..... omg.... he jun xiang is SUPER DUPER HANDSOME + CUTE lah......
i like his features, especially his eyes......
and his character in the show.
he might look very bad on the outside, but he is actually very sensitive inside.
omg..... he jun xiang... *drools*
PeiShan is going to say i am hua chi again after she sees this... hahahh
anw, it's really really nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahal.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
im back from training!!!!
was like hell lah...
1 month nv train le... everything gone.....
my bones were cracking.. grrr
then the tao lu forget though i know what it was....
but behind is... okok..... haahah!!!!!!
then at night when going home..
then saw someone
tt freaked me and jingting out.
to think back of it,
really scare me out...
nt mentioning it here.... coz...
i scared i gt bad memory.. gt nightmare.
things arent going along as planned.
tmr no more outing with them for k-box.
coz xiaomao gt something up regarding her school...
haish... *sad*
make me so look forward to it.
nvm.. friday will here fast..
we will play play alot alot... haah...
after that me have to go work... sian.
hope ** will be there, then gt motivation to work.
seriously thinking, but nothing has come out of it.
is it really true, or am i thinking too much?
tmr no more outing with them for k-box.
coz xiaomao gt something up regarding her school...
haish... *sad*
make me so look forward to it.
nvm.. friday will here fast..
we will play play alot alot... haah...
after that me have to go work... sian.
hope ** will be there, then gt motivation to work.
is it really true, or am i thinking too much?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
after i bought this notebook of mine, i havent stop shopping.
i just bought a pair of new specs for 220 bucks!!!!!
then i bought half a month supply of contact lenses for another 60 bucks.
altogether, 280 bucks gone.
and i paid by nets.
*heart pain*
went to mondo to buy another pair of shoes....
for work wear.
and caused me 23.90 bucks.
paid by nets again...
*heart pain X2*
haish.... 300+ bucks + 2000 bucks like tt jiu no more le~~~
*heart pain X3*
but then again,
it is very worthy....
coz what i've bought is what i had wanted since long ago.
and i've bought them.
i'm going to work hard hard to earn back everything. hahha...
this month's pay is so gonna be pathetic.
ok~ i admit i am bored.
that's why this is my 3rd post in 3 hrs.
anyway, these are some random photos i took these few days.
peppermint ice blend bubbletea.
but it taste damn weird.
the pearls and peppermint dont taste the way they should be.
the mentos sweet i've been addicted to these few days.
daddy bought them from malaysia.
it's nice lo~
cherry ice flavour
the picture very nice hor?
reminds me of snow angel.
when the flower is bein frozen by ice.
wait. isit flower?
i forgot. hahha.
anw, it's nice la~
leon aka ah boy's masterpiece.
he anyhow doodle de.
he tried to cover it
that's why the shadow lo....
but i snapped it anw. ahahah.
considered neat ma?
i find it messy though. hahah.
they are my physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry
lecture notes + tutorials + reports.
so thick lo~
wonder what will happen to microbiology a notes.
the ones on top are my weapons for exams.
notes for physical chemistry (1 book),
inorganic chemistry (1 book),
pure biology (yeah, O levels de) (2 books),
microbiology a (1 book combine with pure biology),
amaths. ( O level use de) (2 books)
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