Friday, September 12, 2008

i'm supposed to receive my ang bao money from 2nd aunt today as an early birthday present.
like usual, she would send the ang bao via post. of course, in an envelop.
but somehow or rather, mummy received an empty and torn envelope today.
so, the conclusion is:


i want to go and complain, and find out who that idiot is. but mummy say don't want. because there are many people who went through the envelop before it reached my letter box. so there are chances that it is not the post man who stole it.
but i am wondering. why is the postman so stupid to give me a torn envelop? or he didn't see??
better not let me know who was the one who stole my ang bao.
i will make sure the person will be $#&%(*&($#%($@#^$$%&*

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