Sunday, June 11, 2006


so long never read newspaper ler...
dont know why...
recently got the 'feel' to read..
so i read flipped through it...
and saw some interesting quotes and 'situations'.

a white wedding
a boy at a wedding loos at his mum and says
"mummy, why does the girl wear white?"
his mum replies,
"the bride is in white because she's happy
and this is the happiest day of her life."
the boy thinks about this, and says,
"well then, why does the boy wear black?"

like father, like husband?
if it's true that women are inclined to marry men like their fathers,
it is understandable why so many mothers cry so much at weddings.

indirect way to call a person idiot.
i wish to have the stem cell of your brain,
because i hope to clone an idiot.

if everyone were to have another brain,
yours would be lonely...

weird phone conversations
customer: i've been ringing 0700 2300 for two days
and cant get through to enquires
operator: where did you get that number from, sir?
customer: it was on the door of the travel centre.
operator: those are our operating hours.

tech support: now right-click on the desktop icon
customer: okay
tech support: did you get a pop-up menu?
customer: no
tech support: right-click again. did you see a pop-up menu?
customer: no
tech support: what have you done so far?
customer: you told me to write 'click' and i wrote 'click'.
*found in the newpaper*

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