monday-school reopen, new timetable
-mock exams: eng paper 1 and maths paper 1
(i didnt complete my eng.. sigh..)
-let off at only 1745 (wth)
-fell asleep in chinese class...
-superband QF 10: last QF
-mi lu bing eliminated (really sad man...)
tuesday-was really down the whole day when told MLB was out.
(i didnt watch the results)
-sad the whole day
-jun xiong's 20 yrs old birthday...
so old ler.. (it's mature)
-fell asleep during english infocus
(it wasnt really on purpose. i couldnt keep my eyes open anymore)
wednesday-assembly was.... boring...
-got healthcheck after recess....
-almost everyone from lit skipped the lessson, except for the 3, including me.
michelle thought i disappeared.. =.=
-i fell asleep again during chinese... bored and tired and hot... were the reasons why i fell asleep.
thursday-a REAL hot day...
-i forgot what happened yesterday...
-i dont intent to remember anyway
-i fell asleep during chemistry infocus
-was really really really tired.. cant help it..
-plus having big headache, which i dont know why i got
-in the end fell asleep in chem infocus,
BUT i was only semi-concious, i still heard mr lai explaining the oxidation and reduction thingy,
which i still is very blur in...
-finally, released at 1220, no infocus, no late release...
-had luch at coffeeshop
-then went home, first thing i did was to sleep!!!
-from 1315 all the way to 1515
-got woken up by phone ringing
-mummy asked me to fetch my sister from sch back home..
sianz.. but what to do? she bz mah....
-reached home at 1545. sleep for another 45 minutes then have to fetch my sister
to tuition, but in the end coz she fed up on the fact that i would be lazing until 1630 (the time her tuition start) so in the end she called my mum and asked her to fetch her. i then slpet all the way till 1830
-oh ya, we got our class photos back.. they were nice, i have to admit.