so fast... 2nd last day le. havent lay enough leh. went to temple pray, after that... SHOp!!! haha. shop until leg want to break. but fun la, coz gt buy some more things. but i forgot what. stm mah... old liao.. *sigh*. cannot blame. heh. after shop, went to eat dinner. damn ex. dinner. restaurant eat also more cheap than this dinner lo. after that, more shopping!!! hahahaha. bought A LITTLE MORE THINGS. then went home. last night sleeping there, 'the-always-kick-people-when-sleeping' de auntie chloe slept with me. luckily i nv kena her kicks. heng ah.. though she shld also count herself lucky she didnt do that to me, because i will do the same. *grins*

same age, diferent size.
(5 yrs nia leh)

see... so many toys...
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