Year 1 Semester 1-
The modules for the very first semester was okay. except for Maths & Physical Chemistry. I remembered how much I gasp when I first opened the Maths book-- SURDS!!! & I thought I was over with A Maths...
Physical Chemistry was quite tough too, because I had zero background with physics. & there were so many laws to remember, the chemical equilibrium, etc. Even had to SOS my secondary school Chemistry teacher for help. Though I didn't in the end.
Inorganic Chemistry was the best subject, because it was practically a revision of secondary school Pure Chemistry lesson. We got to do titration & calculate number of moles too.
IPCT was the best, because there wasn't much in-house lessons. We were usually going for 'excursions' or field trips.
Business Mandarin was horrible. Because it practically meant studying business in Chinese, & I simply hate it. It only got better during the second part, when the topic is more focused on body language, traditions, & etc. My best buddy during that class was PeiShan. & we skipped some lessons together too. That was my first time skipping lessons.
Off lesson, there were many fun times. Like how we took pictures with Janella's Macbook, how we went to Junction 8 to watch movie, & how i went all the way to Toa Payoh to visit my then-eyecandy with Evelyn.
During exam period, I was so determined to get good grades. I shut myself at home, off-ed my handphone, and did nothing but study. From then on, my cliques would say that I would go up a mountain & write my secret manual during exam. I obtained quite an average grade. I did my best during my first year, but it just wasn't up to my expectations..
& yes, during this time, I was still working in G2000.
Year 1 Semester 2-
Modules in this semester was a little more different, & harder. I also came to realize that my wushu buddy is sharing most of my lectures with me. Like Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, & I think, Cell Biology too. Organic Chemistry was seriously a torture, thanks to all the hidden carbon compunds. Then, there was this nomenclature thing whereby we were supposed to name funny compunds. Then there were stereoisomers which totally failed me because I cannot read the 3D compounds. Last but not least, i won't forget the chair conformation compound which gave me the biggest headache as well as the Marknonikov rule. However, thanks to one of my ex-G2000 workmate, Evelyn, she assisted me, gave me tuition, and helped me scraped through it.
Then, there was Biochemistry. Can remember vividly the statistics of our common test result. Out of 10 classes, I think about half of us failed the module. Well, I got a C or C+. Mr Alvin's MCQs were really hard. So we studied really hard for the final exams. Like Glycolysis Cycle, Kreb Cycle, Glucogenesis cycle, etc. The different steps, the in-between compounds, the enzymes, the electrons, etc... I guessed it tore almost everyone's hair out.
We had our practical lessons, but they aren't really fun, as much as I remember. I thought the theory was much nicer to study. The only thing I remember was that practical was very easy to score because the teacher-in-charge closed her both eyes when she marked them. Oh, and the project too. My group & I did something about cheese fermentation. & my part was to find out about the process. So much researching till I did not eat cheese for quite some time..
And there was this module on Biostatistics as well. I remembered this project. Because it was supposed to be pair work among our own classmates, obviously. However, when I met with difficulties in this project, the person whom I consult was actually WeiMun. hahah! If i did not remember wrongly, half of my project was thanks to him. How nice..
& IT!!! The module that I hated the most. I remembered that the lecture is every Tuesday morning at 8am. & i would wake up at 530am, rush to school, tap my card, & sleep through the one hour. The chair was cushion-ed in Blk L lecture room. So it was really comfortable to sleep in, especially when we sat right at the back. The practical was teaching us how to use Microsoft Excel as well as Microsoft Frontpage. Something that we hate & like at the same time.
Same as Semester 1, I worked hard during examination period. For one reason, I was more rebellious at work at this point of time, & I had to work more. So I was scared that it would affect my studies, & hence, I worked harder. When I got my result, I was super shocked. Because I did not score any As. Instead, everything was all Bs and B+s. The only thing that I could count myself lucky was that my GPA did not dropped but increased.
& yes, I was still working at G2000.
Year 2 Semester 1-
This year played the greatest part in our NYP life. We had modules like Pharmacology, DDS, & Pharmacy Practice, that were much related to our course. Because of these modules, we got closer with our mentors due to more bondings. They started to know us more personally as compared to Year 1, & they became like our friends off lessons.
It was our first time doing Pharmacology. It was really a huge torture, huge headache. For lecturers, for students. Whatever pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, classifications, side effects, mechanism of actions, etc. We practically knew nuts about it, & yet we had to figure it out on our own. There isn't any practicals or projects, or reports for this module. Only tutorial which also tore our hair out because it was supposed to be done beforehand of lecture.
Pharmacy Practice 1 was more about calculation of dilutions, studying forensic laws & communication skills. It was super fun, because our project was doing a skit. Everyone moaned & groaned when given the task, but everyone gave in their best, thought of the funniest & weirdest ideas to present the skits, & made the whole lecture room roared with laughter. Mr Kelvin even brought along a video camera, Dr Henry took time off his precious lab to watch our skit. & yes, I still have the CD with me. Was really a great memory.
We did Marketing as well. It was a total bore. Another module which failed to interest me, but I tried to score because it was mainly memory work.
Immunology was the first module that I failed in my poly days. I failed the common test even though it was an open book MCQ test. Imagine how shocked I was. So I worried for my final year because I could never understand what the lessons were talking about. The great thing was that Mr Micheal gave us great deal of hints.
During the holidays, we had our study trip to Hong Kong too!!! It was my first time going overseas without my parents, but only with my friends. & I got to celebrate my birthday overseas too. The best memory in my poly life.
Because of these various reasons, yes, my results maintained. I hit my target of scoring more As & no Cs.. That was the best grade that I obtained.
& yes, I was still working at G2000.
Year 2 Semester 2-
The semester which was a great deal of fun too. But this was the semester which affected us a lot. There were lots of projects, lots of quarrels, lots of unhappiness that lasted for quite some time.
We had Medicinal Chemistry. Dr Phoon again was our lecturer again. & this new lecturer called Dr. Subra. He is a very very very tall guy who taught us HPLC machine. Remembered him as a very 'naggy' lecturer who always repeat things that we should & must know. It turned out because he was really worried about us. He knew we knew nuts about those HPLC results, knew nuts about singlet, doublet & triplets. He gave us lots of practice papers, came back to school during study break to give us extra tuition.. & we had a easier time during final year exam.
TEP was the best & worst module. The best, because it was based solely on practical. We got to do tons of hands-on practical like making solutions, emulsions, suppository, etc. We had to write labels too, & I remembered the number of labels we threw away because we kept writing the wrong thing. It was the worst, because it was either a Pass or Fail thing for every session. & i barely passed every session. There were times when I got an F. There was a time when I handed in the wrong sample, and got a straight F in my face. During test, I almost got locked in the cold room because I could not open the door. I made 6 suppositories, but 5 cracked. How lucky... Remembered this module as the one & only module that I scored the worst grade- D+ among everything.
PMT was another module that sort of bored me as it was usually about Manufacturing again. The only times when it interest me was the GMP part because it was really interesting. & that was towards the end of semester already.
Pharmacotherapy was a fun module too. We got to do dispensing, we got lots of case scenarios, we had our MIMS as though it was our holy bible.
This semester, I had my first relationship too. Well, of course, it affected my studies in some ways. I remembered how we quarrelled one day before PMT exam paper, and I couldn't get anything into my head. I remembered this the most because I couldnt write down the definition of GMP during exam. & it bothered me lots. How dumb...
& during the exams, I remember how the other class students envy us because besides the question & answer papers, we had biscuits & chocolates on our desk as well. Isn't that so true, LEONG WEI MUN? haha!!
No thanks to TEP, & pharmacology, my GPA decreased. I actually hit the bottom because of it. That was like the downturn of my poly life.
Year 3 Semester 1-
Our last semester in school. We had Pharmacology again. And Pharmacotherapy and Pharmacy Practice too. This was because we are all in the Pharmacy Track, & hence, everything is really very pharma-. Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmacy Management...
Pharmacology was once again the tremendous headache. But we could cope it better because of past experience. The one giving us the most headache, & the most not looked-forward-to lesson is Pharmaceutical Analysis practical instead. We were tasked to a group project which we knew nuts about. Everyweek we sent samples to lab, every week, our results were total crap. We used 150 ependorf, & yet, our results & effort were washed down the drain. We were super stressed, Tirza, Khairul, Dionis, Felyssia. We even extended our presentation into the study break. It was only till like one lesson before our final presentation that we knew what was wrong with our dilutions. How nice..
My elective this time was Aseptic Dispensing. It was a night class because the lecturer is a part time lecturer. We had tons of fun in his class. Especially practical. When we could play with the syringes, the needles, the saline, the ampoules, etc.
There were lots of projects this semester, & because we were drawn lots to form our project groups, hence, meeting time with the various groups to do projects are usually the long break hours. We always arrange & reschedule study hours, we do projects in between. For the past semesters, long break hours equals to shopping time, or even sufficient enough for me to go home. However, this semester, our long or short breaks are all used for project discussions. Everyone bought food to tutorial rooms, our 'personal classroom' & held discussions. We brought laptops to school almost everyday.
Communication Skills. The module did not drive us crazy. THE TUTOR DID. He was super strict with everything. Even tiny alignments in everything. But it did great help by helping us notice everything.
This semester, I didn't have anymore relationship problems because it was over. But I was still quite affected. Oh well.. On the other hand, I was in NDP. And Saturday became my most dreaded day of every week. Because everyone would see me studying my pharmacology notes while waiting for time to pass at the F1 pit. To be elaborated in Part 3. I mean, the wushu & NDP part.
Needless to say, my GPA fell again. Because of the various committments I had, because I had not much heart in my books no matter how hard I was studying. I really don't know what I was thinking that time..
Year 2 and Year 3 was also the time when we had tons of class celebrations. Like birthday celebrations, & we would take tons of class photos.. enjoyed!!
Year 3 Semester 2-
This whole semester, was attachment & FYP. Hougang Polyclinic & SGH.
Report, AES, Presentations. NYP School Library became my second home with Irene. My laptop & thumbdrive became the most precious things to me in my world. I finally got out of my shell from bgr, & strived to get back all my As. & I did!! Perfect score this time round. The best ending to my 3 years of poly life.
& no, I did not went back to G2000 to work anymore. But I found back friends & nicer memories with my G2000 friends though. :))
to be continued...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
My Three Years at NYP (Part 1)
No main reason why I want to write this. Just thought that I should record all these down before my memory fails me one day...
Pharmaceutical Science wasn't my first choice, I remember. In fact, it was my fifth. However, this was the first choice of my interest. My first choice was actually TP's Aviation Management. I remembered that Xiaomao & I promised that we would make it into this course together. She made it, I didn't. I didn't make it to my second, third and fourth choice either, as all of them are hospitality related. Why did I put all these choices in the beginning, was because I was thinking about my future at the IR when I graduated instead of my interest. So, it was Pharmaceutical Science.
I remembered I woke up super early to check my posting. & I was a little sad when I got posted to NYP. It's so far!! & I wanted to appeal to TP instead. But when i scrolled down the list, there wasn't any courses that interest me. My intention was to appeal to their Biomedical Science, but someone told me that this course was hard as my friend had suffered during her time studying. Then Mommy says that if Pharm Science is something of my interest, then I might as well stay in it, IF I can wake up early everyday. So i stayed put & did not make any appeal.
& I received my orientation package. But I blur blur de read the dates wrongly, & missed the first two days of my orientation. & also, JX kor told me that the orientation leader would call us, so I was blindly waiting for my call. How funny... So i only went to the last day of orientation.My first friend was PeiFang. We clicked, because we were both staying in Tampines. & the only thing I did that day was to select my elective module. Didn't had much choice to choose from-- only Business Mandarin. The other thing that I remembered from that day was, I was messaging JX kor the whole day in NYP. I don't know why I remembered this though...
After that, our mentor, Mr William How & another food science lecturer held a joint orientation with our classes on another separate day. We played tons of stuffs that day. That day was also the day I got to know Janella & PeiShan...
to be continued...
Pharmaceutical Science wasn't my first choice, I remember. In fact, it was my fifth. However, this was the first choice of my interest. My first choice was actually TP's Aviation Management. I remembered that Xiaomao & I promised that we would make it into this course together. She made it, I didn't. I didn't make it to my second, third and fourth choice either, as all of them are hospitality related. Why did I put all these choices in the beginning, was because I was thinking about my future at the IR when I graduated instead of my interest. So, it was Pharmaceutical Science.
I remembered I woke up super early to check my posting. & I was a little sad when I got posted to NYP. It's so far!! & I wanted to appeal to TP instead. But when i scrolled down the list, there wasn't any courses that interest me. My intention was to appeal to their Biomedical Science, but someone told me that this course was hard as my friend had suffered during her time studying. Then Mommy says that if Pharm Science is something of my interest, then I might as well stay in it, IF I can wake up early everyday. So i stayed put & did not make any appeal.
& I received my orientation package. But I blur blur de read the dates wrongly, & missed the first two days of my orientation. & also, JX kor told me that the orientation leader would call us, so I was blindly waiting for my call. How funny... So i only went to the last day of orientation.My first friend was PeiFang. We clicked, because we were both staying in Tampines. & the only thing I did that day was to select my elective module. Didn't had much choice to choose from-- only Business Mandarin. The other thing that I remembered from that day was, I was messaging JX kor the whole day in NYP. I don't know why I remembered this though...
After that, our mentor, Mr William How & another food science lecturer held a joint orientation with our classes on another separate day. We played tons of stuffs that day. That day was also the day I got to know Janella & PeiShan...
to be continued...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
thoughts & feelings...
sometimes i wonder, who can i really talk to when i need advices?
met with some questions on sunday.
& disappointingly, i don't know how to solve this question.
the question that i faced.. is different from what others faced bah.
the worst thing i felt was, it wasn't as though i wasn't given advices.
it wasn't as though no one gave me ideas on how to solved it.
ok, i was SPOON-FED with solutions, in fact.
but when i thought i was ready to face it, and i really went to face it,
i realize, i was.. helpless.
tired to salvage it, but.. haiz..
seriously, i don't know what am i doing it already.
seniors tried to help me in salvaging it, but they cannot be there to do it forever right?
i don't know what's running in my mind now. really. confused.
ps, thanks partner for listening to my rants. :)
met with some questions on sunday.
& disappointingly, i don't know how to solve this question.
the question that i faced.. is different from what others faced bah.
the worst thing i felt was, it wasn't as though i wasn't given advices.
it wasn't as though no one gave me ideas on how to solved it.
ok, i was SPOON-FED with solutions, in fact.
but when i thought i was ready to face it, and i really went to face it,
i realize, i was.. helpless.
tired to salvage it, but.. haiz..
seriously, i don't know what am i doing it already.
seniors tried to help me in salvaging it, but they cannot be there to do it forever right?
i don't know what's running in my mind now. really. confused.
ps, thanks partner for listening to my rants. :)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Graduation Chalet 2010
yes, we had great deal of fun.
lots of jokes, lots of first-times, lots of FUN.
the chalet is HUGE.
like H-U-G-E!!
we got lost even though we've got map.
we overshot bus stops 2 times in a row.
we grumbled 'I WANT TO PEE...' from 2 bus stops away till the chalet spot,
which was super farrrr & ulu.
overnight-ed the first night.
we carried beds around like no one's business.
but in the end, 5 people squeezed into 2 beds like everyone's business.
we grumbled that we were hungry from 3am till 12pm.
we wanted to order mac breakfast from 4am but it never happened.
we wanted to wake up at 5am to wait for sunrise, but only Khairul woke up-- to off the alarm clock.
chalet night was the first time i ton overnight.
like sleeping only at 5am, then wake up at 6plus to see sunrise, then fall back to bed till 10am.
chalet night was the first time i saw sunrise.
ok, it was a failed attempt, because there were too much dark clouds.
but this was definitely what i had wanted to do since long long time ago,
just that no one knows. hah!
chalet day was the first time i went to pulau ubin.
yupps, we went there to see see look look.
not bad, quite fun.
i wanna go there again.
but i fed tons of mozzies there as well. :S
chalet night was the first time i played with light sticks.
bought them at Daiso.
super fun!!!
i love my light sticks!
& Lancelot likes it as well!!
though he likes my watch more, i think.
pictures are in fb.
shall upload them here for memories the next time round bah.
let's see how first.
yes, we had great deal of fun.
lots of jokes, lots of first-times, lots of FUN.
the chalet is HUGE.
like H-U-G-E!!
we got lost even though we've got map.
we overshot bus stops 2 times in a row.
we grumbled 'I WANT TO PEE...' from 2 bus stops away till the chalet spot,
which was super farrrr & ulu.
overnight-ed the first night.
we carried beds around like no one's business.
but in the end, 5 people squeezed into 2 beds like everyone's business.
we grumbled that we were hungry from 3am till 12pm.
we wanted to order mac breakfast from 4am but it never happened.
we wanted to wake up at 5am to wait for sunrise, but only Khairul woke up-- to off the alarm clock.
chalet night was the first time i ton overnight.
like sleeping only at 5am, then wake up at 6plus to see sunrise, then fall back to bed till 10am.
chalet night was the first time i saw sunrise.
ok, it was a failed attempt, because there were too much dark clouds.
but this was definitely what i had wanted to do since long long time ago,
just that no one knows. hah!
chalet day was the first time i went to pulau ubin.
yupps, we went there to see see look look.
not bad, quite fun.
i wanna go there again.
but i fed tons of mozzies there as well. :S
chalet night was the first time i played with light sticks.
bought them at Daiso.
super fun!!!
i love my light sticks!
& Lancelot likes it as well!!
though he likes my watch more, i think.
pictures are in fb.
shall upload them here for memories the next time round bah.
let's see how first.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
today's thursday..
looking forward to tmr & sat's chalet.
i can't stay overnight on saturday night because of Hong Wen training on sunday..
oh well.. i'm glad i got to play though.
after chalet, there is nothing for me to look forward to anymore.
it's time to end the holidays..
oh well, i've rotted enough.
looking forward to tmr & sat's chalet.
i can't stay overnight on saturday night because of Hong Wen training on sunday..
oh well.. i'm glad i got to play though.
after chalet, there is nothing for me to look forward to anymore.
it's time to end the holidays..
oh well, i've rotted enough.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ko Joo Won as Dr Lee Sang Shik
-the Pediatrician-
Song Joon Ki as Dr Anh Kyung Woo
-the Resident Doctor at O&G-
-the O&G doctor
who specialize in
I take back my words when i said that i am too lazy to go and find out the names of the eyecandies in the show. hahah! because look what have I just did? LOL!
& I just realize that this show only has like.. 16 episodes. haiz. THERE SHOULD BE MORE!!!
In korea, it has just aired its episode 12.
& I am already at episode 11.
I am controlling myself very hard not to get tempted to watch the episode 12.
if not i might not be able to watch this show anymore until sunday.
suddenly, there is this urge in me to specialize in Pediatrics.
ok, I've mentioned it before.
should I?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
SCL Day :))
i said pictures would be up the next post.
here it is!!!
*credits to evelyn*

before boarding the monorail to Sentosa~

after the whole event,
& we went to the beach to have FUN!!!

seriously, i look FAT
just looking at the pictures,
never looked so huge size before lo..

double jump shots!

last but not least,
5 of us together!
PeiShan, Evelyn, RuiYi, Dionis, Me!!!
here it is!!!
*credits to evelyn*

before boarding the monorail to Sentosa~

after the whole event,
& we went to the beach to have FUN!!!

seriously, i look FAT
just looking at the pictures,
never looked so huge size before lo..

double jump shots!

last but not least,
5 of us together!
PeiShan, Evelyn, RuiYi, Dionis, Me!!!
Obstetrics & Gynecology Doctors =)
wow!!! like one week since i blogged.
coz i am bumble bee busy watching my shows!!!
given up on slow loading of 天幕下的恋人,
watching Down with Love 就想赖着你 & Obstetrics & Gynecology Doctors!!!!
accidentally pounced on O&G Dr when online. never regretted it.
nice show, nice scene, nice actors.
& lots of bloody scenes. hahha
Yes, got handsome guys!!!! haha!
like after watching the show, I got a huge urge to 'specialise' in Pediatrics.
not because the handsome doctor is Chief of Pediatrics, but I seriously think its cool. the only problem is that pediatrics is never easy. tried it before. NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) is really a cool place~
okies. maybe we shall talk more as and when i watched the show. coz Korea has not finished airing it, hence loading it on a weekly basis.
anw, just back from Sentosa SCL day event yesterday. super loads of fun. hahah!!! especially after we were let off, and the few girls we went to take lots of pictures. & jump shots. upload them the next time ba. hahha!!
& I've got a temp job already. so yes, I am not rotting that much at home. hahah!
coz i am bumble bee busy watching my shows!!!
given up on slow loading of 天幕下的恋人,
watching Down with Love 就想赖着你 & Obstetrics & Gynecology Doctors!!!!
accidentally pounced on O&G Dr when online. never regretted it.
nice show, nice scene, nice actors.
& lots of bloody scenes. hahha
Yes, got handsome guys!!!! haha!
like after watching the show, I got a huge urge to 'specialise' in Pediatrics.
not because the handsome doctor is Chief of Pediatrics, but I seriously think its cool. the only problem is that pediatrics is never easy. tried it before. NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) is really a cool place~
okies. maybe we shall talk more as and when i watched the show. coz Korea has not finished airing it, hence loading it on a weekly basis.
anw, just back from Sentosa SCL day event yesterday. super loads of fun. hahah!!! especially after we were let off, and the few girls we went to take lots of pictures. & jump shots. upload them the next time ba. hahha!!
& I've got a temp job already. so yes, I am not rotting that much at home. hahah!
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
can't the show load faster???
classic quote from last night's training:
me: blister is evidence of training.
gy: is evidence of NOT ENOUGH training.
i'm bored.
can't the show load faster???
can't the show load faster???
classic quote from last night's training:
me: blister is evidence of training.
gy: is evidence of NOT ENOUGH training.
i'm bored.
can't the show load faster???
Saturday, March 06, 2010
weekly update
back! ha!!
this whole week, have been lazy to update.. LOL!
nothing much either :P
Sunday (28th Feb):
Hong Wen training. got to do taiji! weets!!! so shuang!
after training, met RuiQi at City Hall, makan, went to Body World!!
met Xinwei & her friend there..
ok, we spent half of our time in Science Centre rather than Body World. hah!
Science Centre is damn cool ok!!!!!
like seriously! I WANNA GO THERE AGAIN.
date me please~~ o.O
Body World is nice too la..
we aren't suppose to take pictures because we have to respect the dead.
the stuffs inside.. one word to describe-- POWER!!!
i like the one that shows a full body skin.. cool to the max.
20 bucks. worth it!
pictures are in fb. & ruiqi's blog. heh! :P
explored like 1 hour plus. super tired.
MRT-ed back to tampines for second round training.
ain't that bad.
this whole week, have been lazy to update.. LOL!
nothing much either :P
Sunday (28th Feb):
Hong Wen training. got to do taiji! weets!!! so shuang!
after training, met RuiQi at City Hall, makan, went to Body World!!
met Xinwei & her friend there..
ok, we spent half of our time in Science Centre rather than Body World. hah!
Science Centre is damn cool ok!!!!!
like seriously! I WANNA GO THERE AGAIN.
date me please~~ o.O
Body World is nice too la..
we aren't suppose to take pictures because we have to respect the dead.
the stuffs inside.. one word to describe-- POWER!!!
i like the one that shows a full body skin.. cool to the max.
20 bucks. worth it!
pictures are in fb. & ruiqi's blog. heh! :P
explored like 1 hour plus. super tired.
MRT-ed back to tampines for second round training.
ain't that bad.
- the end for sunday -
Monday (1st March):
seriously, i forgot what i did on this day.
i think i just rotted at home & watched my show the whole day. haha!
seriously, i forgot what i did on this day.
i think i just rotted at home & watched my show the whole day. haha!
- the end for monday -
Tuesday (2nd March):
i went to the gym and had tons of fun. hoho!
and i received a call from NHG.
and i think i rotted the rest of the days away as well.
i went to the gym and had tons of fun. hoho!
and i received a call from NHG.
and i think i rotted the rest of the days away as well.
- the end for tuesday -
Wednesday (3rd March):
met Irene at Toa Payoh..
the bus driver gave the wrong directions, & I alighted two freakinggg long bus stops ahead of destinations. GRRRRR..
after that, we went to her parents' stall to have lunch.
& discussed our future plans.
like where to find rich husband & get married. LOL!!
then coz we don't feel like going home.
so we bus-ed back to Tampines, bought bubble tea and sit down and chit chat.
talked about many stuffs. like future. like some other things..
P&C la.. hah!
after that, we went home.
when i reach home, i received another call.
yes, a call that i have been waiting for the past week.
yet, idk if i should be happy or not.
called WeiSi after that. think she is happy.
called Irene after that. she emo-ed me the whole night. LOL!!!
haiz. it just made my head grew bigger. TSK!
met Irene at Toa Payoh..
the bus driver gave the wrong directions, & I alighted two freakinggg long bus stops ahead of destinations. GRRRRR..
after that, we went to her parents' stall to have lunch.
& discussed our future plans.
like where to find rich husband & get married. LOL!!
then coz we don't feel like going home.
so we bus-ed back to Tampines, bought bubble tea and sit down and chit chat.
talked about many stuffs. like future. like some other things..
P&C la.. hah!
after that, we went home.
when i reach home, i received another call.
yes, a call that i have been waiting for the past week.
yet, idk if i should be happy or not.
called WeiSi after that. think she is happy.
called Irene after that. she emo-ed me the whole night. LOL!!!
haiz. it just made my head grew bigger. TSK!
- the end of Wednesday -
Thursday (4th March):
Met WeiSi, met someone else, did some admin stuffs, & went for check-up.
2 tubes of blood drawn.. -.-
wanted to meet Jaslyn, but the time just didn't meet. awwww....
after that, WeiSi went for her work briefing & stuffs.
aku went to take a long bus ride to Hougang.
pondering if i should go to gym, or go to library.
ended up, i went to library, because the bus did not stop in front of the gym.
found a nice book, finished it in 2 hours,
just nice meet Khairul for dinner.
caught up with the latest info,
and yes, we are all going to Sentosa next week!!! can't wait! :DDD
after dinner, went to CC.
WeiHan say, if 11am kiddos @ GRPS are like Darren..
wow!!! high standard for me leh!!!!
ok, i shall try my best.
& home sweet home after that.
home, bathed, use the com for 1 hour.
& in this one hour,
i killed 5 mosquitoes, and picked up 3 dead ones on the floor.
the price i paid is not small ok,
i had tons of bites from them for the past hour. GRRR.
& thursday night is the second night i suddenly thought of EC.
maybe it's because recently i saw someone who resembles him.
and because i saw his ex-colleagues the other day.
going to 2 years since we last saw each other.
been some time since we texted one another.
Met WeiSi, met someone else, did some admin stuffs, & went for check-up.
2 tubes of blood drawn.. -.-
wanted to meet Jaslyn, but the time just didn't meet. awwww....
after that, WeiSi went for her work briefing & stuffs.
aku went to take a long bus ride to Hougang.
pondering if i should go to gym, or go to library.
ended up, i went to library, because the bus did not stop in front of the gym.
found a nice book, finished it in 2 hours,
just nice meet Khairul for dinner.
caught up with the latest info,
and yes, we are all going to Sentosa next week!!! can't wait! :DDD
after dinner, went to CC.
WeiHan say, if 11am kiddos @ GRPS are like Darren..
wow!!! high standard for me leh!!!!
ok, i shall try my best.
& home sweet home after that.
home, bathed, use the com for 1 hour.
& in this one hour,
i killed 5 mosquitoes, and picked up 3 dead ones on the floor.
the price i paid is not small ok,
i had tons of bites from them for the past hour. GRRR.
& thursday night is the second night i suddenly thought of EC.
maybe it's because recently i saw someone who resembles him.
and because i saw his ex-colleagues the other day.
going to 2 years since we last saw each other.
been some time since we texted one another.
- the end of thursday -
Friday (5th March):
ok, i don't know what is my plan for today.
most prolly, after this, watch show until at night le.
oh, and today is that stupid sister of mine's birthday.
she turns 15, the holy rebellious age.
i just hope she doesn't turn into a ah-lian.
HAHA! 0h, & stop fighting over stuffs with me lah.
irritating~ LOL!!!
ok, i don't know what is my plan for today.
most prolly, after this, watch show until at night le.
oh, and today is that stupid sister of mine's birthday.
she turns 15, the holy rebellious age.
i just hope she doesn't turn into a ah-lian.
HAHA! 0h, & stop fighting over stuffs with me lah.
irritating~ LOL!!!
- the end of friday -
Saturday (6th March):
let's predict tmr.
the only thing i can say is,
i will be @ GRPS tmr morning..
after that, oh prolly rot at home for the rest of the day.
and watch DOWN WITH LOVE!
maybe after my 宫心计, i will watch DOWN WITH LOVE online bah..
anw, back to main track.
shouldn't be going anywhere unless someone dates me out. hoho
let's predict tmr.
the only thing i can say is,
i will be @ GRPS tmr morning..
after that, oh prolly rot at home for the rest of the day.
and watch DOWN WITH LOVE!
maybe after my 宫心计, i will watch DOWN WITH LOVE online bah..
anw, back to main track.
shouldn't be going anywhere unless someone dates me out. hoho
- the end of saturday -
Body World 2010,
family love-Z,
my love-Z =),
wushu =)
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Bling! It's March!
Bling~ IT'S MARCH!!!
time flies~~
2 more months, we are graduating.
sad.. then no more student.
it's time i really go find a job..
oh, i hope SGH calls me soon. like real soon.
like tmr!!!
gym-ed today with mich.
weets~ hahah!
baby, we should have gone for a swim tooooo!!!!!!
i wanna swim swim swim~~!!~~ :))
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