Saturday, December 17, 2011

Class starts!

University life has begun!
Actually it has already started for 2 weeks. I am still getting use to it. Night life has been deeply affected with 3 to 4 days of school each day. Been going to bed at 12am or later ever since school starts; unable to get out of bed on the dot in the day, etc. Hahaha!! Welcome to the life of a University student!

Went through 3 modules out of 4. SED sounds freaking OMG. It concerns my Honours, concerns my future. I hope I get a title of a do-able topic. Hahahah!! Immunology is still as hopeless as ever. Biochemistry is still looking fine because somehow or rather, I still remember some from NYP. (unlike Immunology)

I feel like a freaking nerd now. Carrying a huge bag filled with snacks & lecture notes to work and class, I've got a sore shoulder. & not to mention, I pulled my shooulder muscle on Thursday during work. Salon pas became my best friend. It still is currently.

Class starts, no more Taiwan variety shows during weekday nights. I've survived the week without 星光, 秦子奇,天才冲冲冲。Actually it does not matter much to me anymore, because 黄捷 has already graduated from the competition. 6th position!!!!

A little disappointed even though it was kind of expected because he did well at the very last round. It was like a very teeny weeny last hope that he would probably fight till the grand finals. Well, it's okay. What's done is done. I'm just glad I got to know him & I found a role model to look up to :)

ok, here's a picture of my role model 2011.
(with a Chao Ah Beng face!)

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