nic actually sort of had a bad past, i dont know if he has a criminal record... he smashed someone's shop once, got caught, and put in a home. that was many years agao lah, and he has changed, for the better. cool.
suddenly, i sort of admire him lots.. a lot more than before. last time, i like him because i thought he is quite.. erm... good-looking, and because i like mi lu bing. now, i admire him lots, more than ever, having the courage to admit that he had done something wrong. i mean, everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone has the courage to admit it right? even i admit, there are some mistakes which i made in the past, which until now, don't have the courage to tell anyone, or even admit it. but nic admitted it like... public(ly)? i was like.. shocked.
yeah, i am shocked that he did got sent to a home before, never thought he was that sort of person. but i am more shocked, okay, surprised, that he would admit his past so openly.
nic, he is my idol man.. really pei fu him. my role model.. my idol.

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