28112006~29112008yesterday was the final day of work.
actually was supper happy de,
coz it's like.. finally the workload is off.
but towards the end of the day,
when i handed over the name tag,
i finally felt the 舍不得.
the day passed super fast.
no complaints even though shop closed at around 10pm.
or should i say, didn't even realised that it was 10pm until closed.
so much words to say,
but none is said out.
especially to all the bestest friends that i got to know there,
Wendy Poh: thanks for introducing this job to me.
Jazz: my 爱人.
hahhaa. havent see her for such a long time already.
Claire: pretty lady.
saw her few months ago. and yeps, you are not forgotten.
XiaoXuan: the first supervisor i had.
strict, and until now still scared of her.
Kim: my first manager, and congrats for getting best in-charge recently.
Elaine mummy: there are still times when she pops by to visit.
and whenever she does, she would bring goodies.
Auntie Sally: the most steady auntie.
she never complains about anything, unlike me.
and gives red packets to us during CNY. hahah
HuiXian: there were times when i don't really like her,
but well.. it's all over.
everyone are still colleagues in the end.
BeeEng: also, there were times when i don't really like her.
but i must admit, there are times when she can be very steady too.
like giving me more Top shop vouchers,
and letting me go buy bubble tea half-way during work.
Priss: my garang-guni part timer.
hahhaa. we have been working together for so long,
yet, we don't really talk or see each other that much due to school.
coz when she comes back from her 1 month study break,
it would be my turn to take mine.
hence, we haven't really talked much,
but when we do,
we can crap lots. hahah
Jonathan Pee: i used to call him PeePee.
always disturb me about scandals.
Derick: yup. the well-known rumor bf of mine for 1 year plus.
i guess it will go on as long as we are spotted together.
everyone is used to it already
but seriously, he did helped me with many many things during work.
helping me get out of trouble,
solving problems that i didn't know what to do with,
even being my rubbish bin,
when i was super angry or upset with anyone.
last but not least, my supper buddy together with his buddy Ah Boy (leon) whom i
got to know through work as well.
KengBoon: that bastard who always answers me with BITCH.
rarr rarrr him lo.
but anyway, he was also one of the few who had contributed to my happy memories
during these few months.
thanks BASTARD!!!!!
not forgetting,Kally kor kor: seeing me grow up at workplace.
taking care of me,
getting me out of deep shits
solving my problems.
teaching me be a sensible kid.
getting me almost everything i want.
the treats he gave us.
the jokes he and Derick always tease me.
Derick says i sound as though i am tearing the shop down when i vacuumed the floor
and Kally kor kor says i seem to be flooding the shop when i mop the floor.
not forgetting,
kally kor kor always say that
'GTM 没有女生,只有男生
know what's the ironic part?
the fact that he is the only man in the shop,
who is always the one mending the things that we spoil.
so cute.
jokes that will never forget.
to everyone,thanks for all the guidance and teachings.
thanks for all the scoldings.
thanks for all the memories.
would remember always,
the happiness,
the tears,
the complains,
the compliments,
the quarrels,
many many many.
you guys have taught me valuable lessons,
lessons that money cannot buy.
that is,
people change to face the reality world.
they can do things that seem unbelivable,
but yet, it is happening right in front of ur eyes.
and who knows, one day,
they have all along been doing that to you too.
sounds sarcastic right?
but face it.
this is call reality.
thanks for letting me know there is this place call g2000 at tampines mall.
last post under the labels g2000?
guess not.
coz there are still some pics which i hope to post them up when i am free.