oh man..
this seriously sucks to the max.
second post of Year 2010,
day 1 of 2010;
i'm cooped up at home doing FYP.
i had to control the urge of going out with love-Z to chiong my project.
sad to MAX!
my brain is filled with bone mass and bone structures.
everytime i close my eyes, i see their pictures.
how can i make it go away?
lappie had been on for the whole day.
thank god for that. lol
i would have killed myself if it is zero production today, anyway..
i went through my archives.
sometimes, it's sort of fun to read through my past.
reading through the changes in my life,
reading through how my style of writing has changed too.
can't really believe that i have not been posting much for the past year. hahah
Some reflections.
Year 2009 has been a year of up-s and down-s. I've met many obstacles, I've overcomed them. & in a way, I am proud of myself for doing so. I've learnt lots during the last year. Meeting people, knowing people from everywhere, more exposure to the society.. & many many more. & many a things have changed me. Relationship, friendships, views, etc.
Yes, there were times when i hated some incidents for taking part in this course of my life.
But I've come to think it from another point of view, which is, I've grown to learn something from it. & for those incidents when I still have not convinced myself in this way, I will continue doing so.
Many many events which I have never expected, all happened in 2009. Working at HSBC Golf Championship, taking part in NDP, solo performance in wushu (even though it was a small performance), getting gold for grading, partying away many nights at one go, sleeping only 2 hours for the sake of exams, moving from one place to another for the sake of projects, being more bookworm as compared to secondary school times (haha!). & getting tons of adidas stuffs as presents this year just makes me feel so :)) to the max. Hahah! Once, when i was young, i didn't even expect myself owning so many adidas stuffs. Everything that has an adidas logo was a treasure to me. Of course, up till today, it still is. Haha!
i've partly stepped into society now due to attachment. Working as a pharmacy technician, I am still coping with it. The duties, the responsibilities. The difference in Hougang Polyclinic and SGH was great. The difference in SOC and inpatient is great. I have tell myself, I shall not to do any comparisons. I shall just enjoy my attachment in peace.
Final Year Project. It's a chore, seriously. But do not complain, for i will definitely learn something from it. & this is the main aim, isn't it? So, I shall only grumble. Not complain. Hahaha. JQ says, at least our project is mainly on research, & not case studies, analysing, or doing experiments, which are more hectic as compared. True...
This year, 2009, I learnt an important lesson, which is not to harbour expectations from anyone. I should not hold high expectations until I've seen it myself. For higher expectations leads to higher disappointment. & sad to say, this applies to everything. From relationships to friendships, to society, and to everything. This sounds very passive, but welcome to the reality. Someone told me I am too strong. & I should not be. But I guess, being strong is the only way which I can fight everything--ALONE.
However, I shall not forget my friends.
WengYan, MiaoRu, Michelle. My 3 girls, who have accompanied me through thick and thin since secondary school days. I'm sorry I kept such a big issue from you gals. I'm sorry I've neglected you girls for the past year. I'm really happy that you girls still stand by me despite all these. Thanks girls, especially for the support. :)) Me love you all deep deep. HAHA! :))
Wendy, Derick, Leon, Jonathan, Kally. My ex-colleagues. Time really flies. We've known each other for 3 years. Well, for the exception of Wendy because I knew her since young. Since I was 16. 3 whole years. Even I can't believe that. Can really see the changes in everyone of us. Wendy being the free girl. Enjoying her life everyday. Kally kor kor still working in G2000, transferring from Tampines to OUB to Vivocity, the young guys into NS.. and me. I really enjoyed the outing the other day. Thanks people. & I hope we can still keep in touch for many many more 3 years.
Speaking of G2000 colleagues, how could I forget KengBoon. That 'bastard' who always calls me 'bitch'. HAHA! I've known him for only one year plus. But I know, he is a great friend, a great buddy. We don't usually contact one another, but he is always there when I needed to ask him things. Like X'mas present buying the other time. Haha! He was just a call and a MSN chatroom away. THANKS BUDDY! I guess I really owe you many many Starbucks treat. HEHEH!
Then, there are my wushu buddies. Diehard buddies. WeiChong, WeiMun, JingTing, and many more. Too many of their names to write. But these 3 people really bring lots of laughter into my life when I am with them. :))
Speaking of NYP life, how could i forget my cliques? Evelyn, Felyssia, Janella, PeiShan. We've got our internal affairs. You all know it, we all know it. Haha. Nevertheless, thanks for being my listening ears when I really need it. They always let me face the true hard reality in the hard way, the way they know it works for me. Thanks for all the plannings for celebrations, gatherings and adidas watch too! And these gatherings, extents its way to PS0701. haha!
Khairul, my attachment buddy! He's a joker! He brings lots of jokes wherever he goes. My buddy for 3 years in my life at NYP. Always there to hear my grumbles, and my rants, be it online or wherever. & he teaches me Malay too! HAHAH!
& last but not least, to ___. You know who you are, don't act blur. I don't know if you will be reading this not. I doubt so too. I just wanna say a big big THANK YOU for letting me know more about you. For letting me to be part of your life, even though it is once upon a time. For teaching me many many things that can only be learnt through experiences. For bringing me around everywhere. For making me into a better person. For letting me know more about myself too, the sides that I never knew it existed. For helping me face the sides of me that I never dared to face. For being there with me 24/7. Though I wasn't. For all the times spent together. You taught me how to grow up. You taught me not to be a mama-girl anymore. You taught me to be independent. There were tears, definitely. But there were many many laughter too. I really enjoyed myself then. I hoped you did too. & I wish you will lead a better life. & I hope you will wish me too.
Yes, there were times when i hated some incidents for taking part in this course of my life.
But I've come to think it from another point of view, which is, I've grown to learn something from it. & for those incidents when I still have not convinced myself in this way, I will continue doing so.
Many many events which I have never expected, all happened in 2009. Working at HSBC Golf Championship, taking part in NDP, solo performance in wushu (even though it was a small performance), getting gold for grading, partying away many nights at one go, sleeping only 2 hours for the sake of exams, moving from one place to another for the sake of projects, being more bookworm as compared to secondary school times (haha!). & getting tons of adidas stuffs as presents this year just makes me feel so :)) to the max. Hahah! Once, when i was young, i didn't even expect myself owning so many adidas stuffs. Everything that has an adidas logo was a treasure to me. Of course, up till today, it still is. Haha!
i've partly stepped into society now due to attachment. Working as a pharmacy technician, I am still coping with it. The duties, the responsibilities. The difference in Hougang Polyclinic and SGH was great. The difference in SOC and inpatient is great. I have tell myself, I shall not to do any comparisons. I shall just enjoy my attachment in peace.
Final Year Project. It's a chore, seriously. But do not complain, for i will definitely learn something from it. & this is the main aim, isn't it? So, I shall only grumble. Not complain. Hahaha. JQ says, at least our project is mainly on research, & not case studies, analysing, or doing experiments, which are more hectic as compared. True...
This year, 2009, I learnt an important lesson, which is not to harbour expectations from anyone. I should not hold high expectations until I've seen it myself. For higher expectations leads to higher disappointment. & sad to say, this applies to everything. From relationships to friendships, to society, and to everything. This sounds very passive, but welcome to the reality. Someone told me I am too strong. & I should not be. But I guess, being strong is the only way which I can fight everything--ALONE.
However, I shall not forget my friends.
WengYan, MiaoRu, Michelle. My 3 girls, who have accompanied me through thick and thin since secondary school days. I'm sorry I kept such a big issue from you gals. I'm sorry I've neglected you girls for the past year. I'm really happy that you girls still stand by me despite all these. Thanks girls, especially for the support. :)) Me love you all deep deep. HAHA! :))
Wendy, Derick, Leon, Jonathan, Kally. My ex-colleagues. Time really flies. We've known each other for 3 years. Well, for the exception of Wendy because I knew her since young. Since I was 16. 3 whole years. Even I can't believe that. Can really see the changes in everyone of us. Wendy being the free girl. Enjoying her life everyday. Kally kor kor still working in G2000, transferring from Tampines to OUB to Vivocity, the young guys into NS.. and me. I really enjoyed the outing the other day. Thanks people. & I hope we can still keep in touch for many many more 3 years.
Speaking of G2000 colleagues, how could I forget KengBoon. That 'bastard' who always calls me 'bitch'. HAHA! I've known him for only one year plus. But I know, he is a great friend, a great buddy. We don't usually contact one another, but he is always there when I needed to ask him things. Like X'mas present buying the other time. Haha! He was just a call and a MSN chatroom away. THANKS BUDDY! I guess I really owe you many many Starbucks treat. HEHEH!
Then, there are my wushu buddies. Diehard buddies. WeiChong, WeiMun, JingTing, and many more. Too many of their names to write. But these 3 people really bring lots of laughter into my life when I am with them. :))
Speaking of NYP life, how could i forget my cliques? Evelyn, Felyssia, Janella, PeiShan. We've got our internal affairs. You all know it, we all know it. Haha. Nevertheless, thanks for being my listening ears when I really need it. They always let me face the true hard reality in the hard way, the way they know it works for me. Thanks for all the plannings for celebrations, gatherings and adidas watch too! And these gatherings, extents its way to PS0701. haha!
Khairul, my attachment buddy! He's a joker! He brings lots of jokes wherever he goes. My buddy for 3 years in my life at NYP. Always there to hear my grumbles, and my rants, be it online or wherever. & he teaches me Malay too! HAHAH!
& last but not least, to ___. You know who you are, don't act blur. I don't know if you will be reading this not. I doubt so too. I just wanna say a big big THANK YOU for letting me know more about you. For letting me to be part of your life, even though it is once upon a time. For teaching me many many things that can only be learnt through experiences. For bringing me around everywhere. For making me into a better person. For letting me know more about myself too, the sides that I never knew it existed. For helping me face the sides of me that I never dared to face. For being there with me 24/7. Though I wasn't. For all the times spent together. You taught me how to grow up. You taught me not to be a mama-girl anymore. You taught me to be independent. There were tears, definitely. But there were many many laughter too. I really enjoyed myself then. I hoped you did too. & I wish you will lead a better life. & I hope you will wish me too.
tada! i'm done!
it's time for bed. HAHAH!
till then :)
tada! i'm done!
it's time for bed. HAHAH!
till then :)
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