Sunday, November 29, 2009

 *heaves a HUGE sigh of relief*

heelllllooooooooo! BACK FROM GRADING!!!!
i didn't drop my sword.
i didn't flew my spear.
but i was panicky. & STIFF!!
like omg. was seriously trembling throughout all 3 routines lor!
felt like me suffering from parkinston disease la!
i needed jin feng san to calm my nerves, i needed carvidopa-levodopa to stop those parkinston thingy, and i needed orphenidrine to help in muscle relaxant. oh wait, anarex causes drowsines.. *i'm bull shitting la*
okie, grading is over. i shall stop rambling about it.

after grading, i was super happy. i was like over the moon. don't ask me why. i don't know. i only know grading's over was PART of the reason. i felt as though i had lifted something of my shoulders, i felt light, i felt like flying. & i felt like having ICE CREAM!!!!! weird? coz ice creams are usually when i feel down. lol!

now that grading's over, i can relax a bit on wushu side. but thats not going to happen in terms of studies. FYP is starting when attachment at SGH starts. which is like.. 2 more days? this shucks, like seriously, and totally to the max.

SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GET ME STARTED ON MY PROJECTS. IT'S FINAL YEAR PROJECT, YOU KNOW. THOSE 'DO IT NICE OR DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH TYPE OF PROJECT'! lol! if not, my christmas, new year and chinese new year will be burnt until chao da liao. i don't want!!!!
today is SATURDAY!
NO WORRRKKKKK! heh heh heh!
& i didn't went back to find them either, coz Khai isn't around too. ha! :P

27.11.09 (friday)
met jt ard 11 plus, went bugis for pray pray. after that, attempted to go and find ___'s christmas present.
unsuccesful! seriously, idk what to get for him. sigh! i seriously need a good shopping buddy to pei me go shop for it. any volunteers?????

after that, went to ECP for the wushu outing.
not bad, quite fun. throwing wm's slippers into the sea. HAH!
and see him and jt snatching each other's slippers. LOL!
plus 2 hours of cycling. everyone had a bike, except for me. -.-
coz i don't know how to cycle. so embarrassing!
the attempt to learn was a little unsuccessful too. boohoo!!! >.<
in the end, jt and rq took turns to give me a ride everywhere. FUN TO THE MAX! especially when we were having fun in the rain too. heh heh!
coz going home for dinner, so didn't stay for water games at evening. *pouts*
nvm, there is always next time, right? :D

28.11.09 (saturday)
woke up early early in the morning. send Ain & PeiFang off to aussie.
met fel & eve at 715am.
evelyn had to leave home at 0530 in order to reach in time.
& SHE MADE IT!!!!! *clap clap*
after that prolly half the class of us went to Swensens for breakfast with Mr Kelvin, Ms Yong & her hubby.
super fun! loads & loads of chatting, comparing how different it was in the different setting at attachment places, preparing Irene for Hougang Polyclinic attachment, preparing me and fel for SGH attachment, preparing others for NHG polyclinic attachment, joking about the funny encounters we had... oh yeah, which reminded me of Ms Hougang that we saw at the last day of our attachment. hur hur! everyone in the pharmacy was excited la! even security guard friend had to tail him. LOL!!!& that reminds me, i never say bye bye to my security guard friend. tsk. >.<

after that, went home. sleep, rest, and yupp, here i am now. i have to prepare myself for the deadly grading later. tsk! haiz. tonight they going for the Chinese Orchestra concert, & i am going to miss it. haiyo!!! hahhaha! nvm. grading more impt!!! please pray for me, please wish me good luck.


before i end this post, i want to thank my friend. THANK YOU! you know who you are. :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

loads of photos, but i worry that bs will hang on me again. so here are just some nice ones. others are in FB!
all i can say is, thank you everyone for the past 12 weeks.

there were definitely times when we were not happy, there were times when we enjoyed ourselves to the max, and there were times when we were glad that we really did our great job & proved what we are worth. heheh! we have had our grumblings and nags and loads and loads of bitching around, we have had our own classic jokes of the day. & we have had our rumours and scandals. charmane aka j-wow and khairul knows the best. LOL! as much as we were counting down to the last moment, it did felt a bit weird on the last day of work.

people asking how it feels to leave. them thanking us for helping them. and etc. however, it should be us thanking them for giving us a chance to learn instead.

the whole day went quite well today. the fact that everyone has closed 2 eyes on us. HAHAH! everything we did, we were like, 'aiya, nvm. today last day liao.' & ZS was telling khai, 'ya, today u last day. must bully you more!' hahahah!

we had our 2 hours lunch break at Hougang Mall as the foursome-- Me, Khai, Char & ZS. SUBWAY! laughed, joked, and many many more. talking about future.
like 10 years down the road, charmane would be like _______.
like 10 years down the road, ZS would be like _____.
like 10 years down the road, Khai would be like the male version of Ms Sanisah.
like 10 years down the road, I would be like the female version of Mr Chong.

Khai & me had our discussions too, like what presents we would buy for the doctors in HP, from what we know about them.
like we would buy TZF & maybe Siva a notebook to note down what they want to give, so lesser ammendments.
like we would buy Saifuz a speaker so that he could speak louder in the phone & i can hear him.
like we would buy TSH a super loud telephone so she can hear the phone ringing and pick up the phone.
like we would buy CCL a stopwatch or timer that will start sounding every 30 seconds after time is up. so he wont be so slow. HAHAHA!
like we would buy ML a drug info book to look for info, calculator to calculate weeks of drug supplies, PLUS A DICTIONARY with a tag to let her know how to spell 'dispense'. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
last but not least,
like how we would buy a FHM for STEVE!!!!!!! coz we know he will definitely love it! HAHAHAHHAHA!

i told khairul i want to take picture with the most handsome doctor in there. but apparently, there is no handsome doctor. (they thought my fav is not handsome lor!) & khairul said 'have, me lor!' hahahah! -.-

Mr Chong was the first person to give us a 'farewell speech'. that made me emo a while. yeah, touched, but weird. towards end, when giving out our pressies, they thank us, wish us well, wish us all the best, give us gifts, take pictures with us, laughing together, etc. touched, but did not cry. well, maybe if attachment there was 24 weeks, who knows, i might.

3 months, not long, not short. enough time for us to know what we want in future. is it, or is it not?
nevertheless, still wanna thank everyone there. there are still many people whom i did not take pictures with.
like the 3 pharmacists. I WANT TAKE PICTURE WITH THEM. THAT IS A MUST!!!! haahah!

well, we will be going back. take our log books. & there's a Christmas exchange on 23rd dec with them. i can't help but look forward to that day already. & i have to get a gift for _____. WHICH I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO GET.  haha! i duno what to buy. like seriously. LOL!

ending off, would be like what i wrote on fb.
'it's officially end of 12 weeks. we've gone to heaven, we've been through hell. & we've fought many 'FREAKING WARRRRR' together. We've survived, we've grown stronger. Thanks everyone for having us there for the 12 weeks. We've learnt lots, & we have had our fun too. See you all soon! YEAH! :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

有没有人可以告诉我,为什么我想哭,却哭不出来? 这是怎么样的感觉?为什么会这样?想要找人诉苦,却又不知道要找谁。说了,又怎样?会有谁会相信我是这样的一个人?我想,他们,每个人,都不会相信我竟然会有这种反应。真的,太不像我了。看起来很坚强的一个人,原来是这么的脆弱, 懦弱。可是,有谁知道,脆弱和懦弱才是那真正的我?坚强从来都不是我。那只是我的面具罢了。我不想继续这种感觉,好痛苦。我好像做回我自己,还可以吗?

疼痛--physically & mentally。。。

好矛盾啊!!!不理你了啦。。 真是的。我再也不想理任何问题了。

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

amidst all the ping ping piang piang & king king kiang kiang, fever clinic is finally closed.
today is week 12. LAST WEEK!
supposed to be enjoying the last week, but boohoo! SICK!
people sick on first week of work, i sick on last week of work. special duh?!

went to see doctor. like for the first time in my life,
i actually visit doctor in polyclinic. minus baby vaccine time. LOL!

yuppyupp. saw Dr Steve. LOL! *not scandalous!*
level one. bo bian. either him or another doctor, whom angela saw.
but i rather see Dr Steve coz at least we know each other. hahahha!

for the first time in 19 years. i have case notes in polyclinic leh!
woo~ i am so sua ku..
dr gave me many many meds. EXPENSIVE LEH!!!!!!
heart pain*.*

ok, this month spend so much $$ le. next month not spending so much liao. no christmas spending. boohoo!
maybe my christmas also rotting in SGH. LOL!!!


outing with PS0701 mates yesterday. it was lunch cum dinner, coz steamboat! hahaha!
i 'replied all' in the email stating i will be late because i've got training at HW.
end up, i was the first to reach Simei lor!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
food wasn't bad. me, nel, eve and xinhui shared a table. & our results were WOOHOO! haha.
3 scoopes of butter, 5 full plates, 3 kettles of top-ups, and what else???
many many scoops of ice cream? hahah!
supperrrrr fattening, im gonna have a crash diet soon. LOL! like i'll rmb.

discussed many many things.
gossiped, bitched.. and many many.
work, studies, FYP!!!!!
omg. 1 more week, i am chionging FYP le. omgomgomgomg!!!
looking at calendar, if i do not want to chiong FYP & report during CNY,
i am so going to start now, before i can't finish it.

ohohoh.. and graduation trip too!!!!!!!
looking forward to that. i hope it happens. hee :)


training at night.
3 routines as usual.
buang-ed spear. like totally.
idk why. felt so sick. my shoulder was aching like shit.
second try wasn't that bad. but still, shoulder no strength.
grading's on saturday. can i make it?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

rest 1 day, and it's monday.
& it's officially 4 more days of work.
somehow or rather, gonna miss it. surprised?
don't be. because no matter what, it is afterall a place where once groom me.
if there's a chance, who knows, maybe i will choose there again.
despite the heavy load and such. because, who knows, we may get used to it one day.

Ms Pam was sort of cool to let me & Khai choose our own shift on our last week. haha!
so we chose the 0830 one. together.
why together? coz for the past 11 weeks, we have never worked the same shift together.


lighter side of life besides work.
MLB's third album is out!
i wanna have it! hahah!
nic is still shuai! heh!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

hello Mr. White

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

hello bloggie,
today's work is super emooo-momo.
it's full of mixed feelings.
there wasn't much time when i felt that i was happy while working today.
most of the time, i was feeling :( & i can't believe my tears almost dropped out.

you know, usually when we pick and pack medicines,
we don't have much feelings. as in, we feel neutral.
sometimes, we make comments.
today, i packed a basket of medication of someone whom i knew.
& i felt so.... weird?
felt like a tinge of sorry.
everyday, there are many people in Singapore coming to this small place and collect the same medication.
some more, some less, some more serious, some less serious.
but this person's basket of medication actually made a bigger impact on me.
& this person, unexpectedly, remembers me.
he may not know who am i exactly. but he, for sure, & i am sure, knows me for who i am.
because we came from the same place,
the place which moulds me to who and where am i today.


do you know how it feels to feel being let down?
how it feels to be disappointed.
i was like so looking forward. but i was let down.
maybe they were really busy. i don't know.
it's just 2 weeks left.
is it so hard for me to learn more new things in the last 2 weeks?
don't understand.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

blog blog blog. keehee!

today today today
today is a gooooooooooooood dayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!
(minus the construction working at void deck from 9am onwards. -.-)

today is rainy rainy rainy rainy.
such a good day to rot at home.
such a good day to snuggly snuggly snuggle in bed.
heh heh heh!

i feel so lucky not working today.
but if tmr is rainy, i still need to work too.
nvm. at least i have one day-- today. :)

this is my one & only time-off day.
enjoying it with Forensic Heroes.
heehee :)

anw, received wrt SGH attachment thing le.
inpatient. as expected. omg.
fel fel.we shall stick to each other like superglue ok?


Have you ever been in love Horrible isn't it ? It makes you so vulnerable . It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up . You build up all these defenses , you build up a whole suit of armor , so that nothing can hurt you , then one stupid person , wanders into your stupid life .. You give them a piece of you . They didn't ask for it . They did someting dumb one day , like kiss you or smile at you , then your life isn't yours anymore . Love takes hostages . It gets inside you . It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness , so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart . It hurts . Not just in the imagination . Not just in the mind . It's a soul-hurt , a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain . i hate love .

-Neil Gaiman

but i still love love.
for who the person is;
for how the person makes me feel;
for how the person makes me into.

Monday, November 16, 2009

tired. boohoo~

i thought sat would pass smoothly.
i thought Mr White would give me better luck at work.
i thought i thought.

& really, everything passed quite well.
until the last 10 minutes.
'scolded' by doctor.
spoil my day.

now, i hate warfarin. i hate ACC.
stupid irritating pills.
rarr rarrr!

monday onwards, it's week 11.
2 more weeks.
i am tired.
i wanna try something new.
i dont want to do picking and packing for the rest of my life.
i rather go in front and sit with one dispenser and learn dispensing.
at least i learn something new.

monday, 16th nov.
shall be one of the happiest time in my 3 months of attachment.
coz it's time-off day.
i claimed all the 7 and half hours i have into one day off.
i shall rot myself to the last bit. :)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

this week work sooo fun!

actually this week afternoon shift is at fever clinic.
but in the end no have because of some reasons.
so stayed in OPD lo.
but there were days when i did went over to help out too.

no new love from this week onwards.
this week was Khairul's turn.
ACC is cool to max.
but recently a bit tired of warfarin.
maybe because have been counting too much loose tablets le. haiz

Mr Kelvin came to visit Khairul.
of course he did not forget me.
heh heh!
did chat a little with him though.
was stationed morning shift at fever clinic.
& there were 2 old patients who could only speak hokkien.
and fever was only me & Kamsiah.
so i had to do translation.
so the situation became
old people speaking chimilogy hokkien to a girl who speaks easy hokkien.
i felt like a chicken talking to a duck.

did first ever dispensing.
before that, we went through a little more on retail stuffs.
and me and Khai were like so tired.
actually, our brain were already in snooze mood from roll call onwards. hahah!

wore lab coat @ work.
different people, different opinions.
suzanna said i looked like a mad scientist. -.-
khai, ZS, charmane they all say i look like doctor. :)
i forced charmane to say i look damn cool in lab coat. :D
i forced them to say i look like Tim-sir in Forensic Heroes in lab coat. ;p

dispensing was fun.
the two of us sat beside Ms Sanisah
and she showed us how to do dispensing lo.
then she made us do it too.
but we dare not.
she forced me to do it first la.
and luckily i did.
coz the basket had only 1 medicine. hoohoo!!!
so did the dispensing. was diclofenac sodium
i will remember lor!
i did everything nice nice. but i forgot to indicate DA. LOL!!!
but ok la. overall.. quite fun. heh!

after work, walk with charmane to Hougang Mall.
talk about work, about dispensing.
& i told her, i hope to attach to someone who has patience.
hahaha. because what i think i lack in me, is patience.
& hopefully the 'buddy' i am attached to is able to 'influence' me.
but in such a short time, i guess it would be hard.

Samuel played some magic tricks for us to see. hahah!
& yes, we were stunned.
especially the 'women's intuition' one.
damn cool la.
coz he didnt even handled the cards. & yet the trick was successfully done.
*stunned* *claps for him*
no wonder Uncle Amran always call him 'magic man'.

today's work was not special though.
i broke my record, because i did not log in my account to do packing.
only do capturing. heh!
felt lazy to do all these things.
i'm left with 2 weeks,


i've gotten my white specky!
i love my Mr White.
heh! :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

blog blog blog~
i wanna blog about saturday before i forget. heheheh!

first, work.
actually that day got fever clinic de.
then in the end dun have.
then in the end have again. LOL!
i was like running here and there between both sides la.

i was damn suay on that day too.
first, the pharmacy system was down.
and if that is not troublesome enough,
i got locked out of my own account too.
ITD was too busy to help me.
& took them like whole morning to get me logged in once again.
by the time they got me logged in,
it was time for me to take my bag & say byebye liao. wahahahahah!
& if that was not enough,
i stupidly and dumbly cut my own finger with a pair of scissors,
& ended up with a bloody finger that got bandaged up in the treatment room.
the nurse even came over to pharmacy to look for me coz she thought it was a super deep wound.
(eh, pain leh, even though in the end say it was superficial cut)

secondly, IVP.
chiong-ed down to NP via bus 74 from Hougang.
thanks to SzeHui & Fanny & Coach GuangYao for the tips.
by the time i reached, was over half time.
caught the long weapons, soft weapons, sparring & team.
woohoo to Team NYP.
we got overall second.

toured around NP a little while finding my way to sports hall.
sorry cousin, no offence, but.
i felt a little glad that i am not studying in that school la.
after the whole competition, shared cab with QJD.
he came around when sparring time. 
a 'wonderful senior' who rushed down to watch his teammates compete right after his booking out.
hur hur! LOL!
& a 'sweet' senior who helped his junior carry his weapons & help me carry my bag
coz i am like sooo lazy to carry it while my back is aching like shit.
(eh, he should feel honoured that i let him carry that precious adidas bag hor!)
actually was suppose to share with JT, CW and YT.
but ended up split cab coz no one willing to take 5 people.
dropped QJD off at Hougang, then i cabbed back to TM to meet family.
super ex can!
totally forgot about this thing called 35% surcharge lah.
but luckily i still ok with the cab fare.

lastly, family night.
met family (except daddy coz he got wedding dinner)
for SWENSENS dinner.
jie jie treat leh!
hahah. know why she treat?
coz i have been bugging her to treat. hoho!
swensens was nice nice nice!
after that went to optic shop.
i was supposed to get my contact lens solution.
but the shop discontinued it.
& i ended up buying a new pair of specs.
my intention was just to let jie jie see which one i wear look nicer.
ask her if the red one is nicer or the white one.
in the end,
i thought i like white nicer while everyone says red is nicer.
blah blah blah..
i ended up with white coz i still think i like white better.
then i bought it liao.
and 200+ bucks just flew away like this.
but ok la, this amount of money.. is sooner or later de. heh!

& yes, this is my wonderful yet tiring saturday. heh!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

yeah, let's continue blogging about work.
it's into week 10!!!!!
week 9 has just ended.
next week, we are into dispensing already.
yeah yeah!
it has been fever clinic morning shift this whole week.
not bad. time pass quite fast.
i surprise myself by always being on time for work.
being the third person to reach HP after Mr Chong & Uncle Ahmad
(they always reach at 0730 de.)
& that's not because i cabbed there unlike my first 8am shift.
even though i have been snoozing my alarm clock for the whole week.
leading to me running to interchange to catch my bus. heh!

well well.. 
guess what.
next week, i am going to fever clinic again.
haha. but next week is afternoon shift la.
2 straight weeks at fever clinic.
i hope the third week, i am not there as a patient.
OMG. choi! *touch wood*

this whole week, i am having break on my own because of different timing with Khairul.
feel so lonely lor.
i miss gossiping with him,
i miss bitching in front of him.
yesterday, we went to mac mac to have dinner.
gossiped, bitched, & laughed at lots of things.
things that happened at OPD when i wasn't around,
things that happened at Fever Clinic when he wasn't around,
sharing our different experiences... 
laughing our heads off.
creating scandalous rumours among ourselves.. *shhh*
attachment life is great when you have a super great buddy.
yeah! :)

i don't care if they are reading my blog or not.
i trust that they do not stalk me.

sort of realize that i only come to cherish things when i have lost them.
& the problem is, i don't learn my lesson.
& that is why i have been losing so many precious things.

you know what, 
the promise i gave you.
i have always kept it. really.

i've got a feeling;
all along, you think that i would not mean it.
i would not keep it.
but the fact is, all along, i have always meant my word.
i have always remember what i promise you.
& i have always been keeping my word.
but have you?
不是我食言, 是你先放弃我。
how many weeks have passed?
how long has the very very very last promise been given & yet still not fulfilled?
i once wrote that i will not ask you for it.
i won't.
you are one irritating person who is messing up my emo life.

finished 仁心解码 quite long ago.
the ending was a little stupid.
that time actually want to watch 下一站,幸福.
introduced by Evelyn.
but it's still a new show. so i am waiting for it to finish airing le then watch ba.
the bored me is now happily watching Forensic Heroes all over again.
yes! 法政先锋!!
watching that show makes me miss lab coat days.
working at OPD now, i wish that i have a white coat like the pharmacists.
the long sleeves one.
so formal, so cool, so shuai.
watching Forensic Heroes makes me wish that i can put on my white coat, working in lab.
but aiya, i've come to a conclusion that i am not fit to work in wet lab. haha!
&&& did i tell anyone that when i watch that show,
the person whom i admire most is Tim-Sir?
simply love his brains. the walking encyclopedia. 
hur! how i wish i have brains like him.
& Khairul & I have come to a conclusion that the fastest way to become a walking encyclopedia
would be:
burning BNF and Martindale and stir them into water and drink it up.
hur hur!!!!!  

Thursday, November 05, 2009

oh well.. haven't been blogging for quite some time?
this week.. nothing special anyway..

fever clinic all morning.
except the fact that i got 'scolded' on Skype for nothing
there isnt much special.
anw, the 'scolding' wasn't even my fault.
apparently, the biatch did not get her facts right before she types.
ain't bothering myself with her & her nonsense. *humphs*

unexpectedly, i got to go ACC again.
was quite happy coz ACC was like my new love.
but this week's one was abit.. erm... indigestable.
i got wow-ed again.
i felt sort of dumb. LOL!

& & &
ILO finally remembers me!
he's coming to visit. like finally!!!
but after he comes, i have nothing to look forward to already.
:( LOL!

grading's coming.
i am so not prepared.
discouraged; unmotivated.
chiong chiong chiong all the way!

Monday, November 02, 2009

i dont know why am i posting this now. maybe due to emo-ness.
had a small chat with kor kor last week.
& it was a happy & depressing chat.

because it has been a long time since we last chatted.
it's not always that kor kor come look for me for a chat lo.
& because he got what he wanted.
he has a bright future
he knows what he wants in future.
& he has gotten it.

because on the other hand,
i dont know what i want.
my future is grey.

i dont know where to go.
many ask me, would i want to further my studies?
& i say, yes, if situation allows.
i know i still have 3 more months. but it seems like it's time to think about it le.

mr chong asked where would i go
nithyia asked me if i would go back to HP
& many others...
my reply is still idk.

study? where?
NUS? let's face the reality.
Private? how about the time and the cost per module?
Aussie? for 4 years. can i make it?
& the cost of going aussie.

aussie used to be in the back of my brain. i wont even think of it.
but now i am actually thinking of it.
but, can i afford? in terms of finance & abilities.
come on la, i am not that smart.
what if i can't make it there.
would i come back crying?
unless i go marry a billionaire who will sponser me to study there.
& even if i repeat, i still can survive.

as what?
pick, pack and dispense drugs for the rest of my life?
10 years down the road,
20 years down the road,
30 years down the road,

i am still picking, packing, and dispensing drugs.
like what i have done during attachment.
would i be contented?

as a PT, no matter where i go
my job scope will never change.

with a pharmacist license, i can do more than just cooping myself in a place.
a different environment, & i can learn new things.
comparing a polyclinic, hospital & retail.
see the diff?
can i do the same if i am a PT?


Sunday, November 01, 2009

it feels as though it is just a month ago when Khairul & I were like
'11 weeks & 6 more days to end of attachment.'
a blink of an eye, we are left with 3 weeks to end of attachment @ HP.

today is stock take day.
like what everyone hoped, everything ended fine.
i had fun counting the counters assigned to me.
my 'act cute' drugs. haha!
i was fine throughout the whole process,
except for a part when some bitch had to come on & spoil everything.
messing up my counting without telling me.
so pissed, i felt like messing up her counters by messing up all her prepacks.

time flew throughout stock take.
& when it was time to go home, it was raining super heavily.
lightning, thunder, everything.
Khairul, Charmane & i ran across the road to bus stop to wait for our bus.
we were drenched despite our umbrellas. LOL
kept laughing at each other. many cabs passed by, but no buses.
till we got fed up, wanted to get cab.
but whenever a cab passed, no one stopped it.
HAHA! but we hopped onto one in the end because there was really no bus la!
wonder what happen to all buses lor...
cabbed to hougang mall, dinner-ed & home.


had been drinking coffee these few days as breakfast so as to prevent myself from falling asleep at work.
until now, i think i have caffeine tolerance.
i can sleep on bus despite a cup of coffee.
i wonder what will happen next week. LOL


dear ILO,
do you remember that you still have a student in Hougang Polyclinic?
& she is still waiting for you to go and visit her before her last 3 weeks ends.
waiting until her neck has grown long. haha!
i think i will cry if Mr Kelvin comes and visit Khairul, but left me aside.


silence is the best friend who never betrays.
- PC at HP