I have rested for a week. now my butt is getting itchy, & i feel like looking for stuffs to do. my head is getting bigger. i don't know what is the future holding for me. should i continue this track? or should i just change track?
change track? change to what? i don't even know what i can do with a general science degree in the future. research? forget it la. nurse? maybe? since singapore needs nurses too.
remain as pharmacy track? like what? be a PT for 10 years, and become senior PT? & continue to pick and pack for my future? further studies? what if NUS doesnt want me, which is a high possibility. overseas? well.. let's see how first ok.
JW is right. even if i go overseas, also must make sure the uni is Grade 8 recognised. if not study already, come back, i am back to square one. waste time, waste effort, waste money, waste everything.
Mr Chong is right. either i waste 3 years of study life to change track, or i waste my whole life doing something that i don't like. so back to first question. change to what track??
i still like medicine. i know tt in me. maybe it's because i have been studying for some time, and i know a little about it. so when i look at medicine, i know what i am doing. but i like dispensing too. i like it when i do the right stuffs during dispesning and stuffs. oh well, who doesn't.
and now there is another problem popping out. where should i go? how & where. i believe in following my heart. will people understand? or i shouldn't believe in what people think, and what they view.
someone please tell me.
which is easier--
look for a rich boyf and get married,
or making a decison of the above?
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
宫心计 & 天幕下的恋人
taking a break from watching shows. hahaha
as blogged previously, i am currently watching 2 shows:
宫心计 & 天幕下的恋人
two favourite guys of mine in it. 郑嘉颖 & 黄宗泽. mwahahah!
Janella is always saying about how nice this show is.
& i caught a lil' on tv the other day. & thought was pretty nice, so yupp, watching it online.
but the loading is also super slow. >.<
whenever i want to watch it, the loading is so slow. so i watched the other show first. and when 宫心计 reaches the climax of that episode, this show would just nice load finish and make my heart itchy, don't know which to watch. IRRITATING LA!!! TSK!
nevertheless, still a nice one. good shows are worth the wait. & eye-candies are worth watching. heh heh! Melissa, don't jealous. :P
taking a break from watching shows. hahaha
as blogged previously, i am currently watching 2 shows:
宫心计 & 天幕下的恋人

two favourite guys of mine in it. 郑嘉颖 & 黄宗泽. mwahahah!
Janella is always saying about how nice this show is.
& i caught a lil' on tv the other day. & thought was pretty nice, so yupp, watching it online.
but the loading is also super slow. >.<
whenever i want to watch it, the loading is so slow. so i watched the other show first. and when 宫心计 reaches the climax of that episode, this show would just nice load finish and make my heart itchy, don't know which to watch. IRRITATING LA!!! TSK!
nevertheless, still a nice one. good shows are worth the wait. & eye-candies are worth watching. heh heh! Melissa, don't jealous. :P
interesting scene on msn:
me: wahh sad ah. the guy i like got rejected.
ruiqi: he rejected you?
me: in the show.
ruiqi: -.-
HAHA! yeah la. 郑嘉颖 got rejected. sad leh. LOL!! but i thought RQ's reaction is more funny. LOL!
anyway, thanks to kor kor's intro and lending me of the discs. that's why i get to watch this show. see how pretty their clothes are, see how nice their hair pins are, see how the women fight with one another, see how they practice their sarcasm, see how the arrows fly all over the whole palace. hahahha! sometimes, such scenes are really interesting in 3rd party's point of view.
& you may wonder, what would happen if one day, this befalls you. hmm..
Friday, February 26, 2010
my new hobby
a lil' update! heheh!
this is the first week of my holiday.
enjoying, yes! of course!!
been a long time since i had a long long break without worrying so many things.
even though, now, in my mind, i am thinking when can i start work.
and how long would it take for me to get what i want.
had a fun time yesterday with my friends.
and i spent lots of moolah as well. HAHA!
oh well.. long long one time. HAHA!
anw, besides going out and having fun,
i have been cooping myself at home everyday with shows.
天幕下的恋人 & 宫心计
superly nice shows. hahaa.
thanks lots to kor kor for lending me 宫心计's DVD.
cheers to holidays!!
a lil' update! heheh!
this is the first week of my holiday.
enjoying, yes! of course!!
been a long time since i had a long long break without worrying so many things.
even though, now, in my mind, i am thinking when can i start work.
and how long would it take for me to get what i want.
had a fun time yesterday with my friends.
and i spent lots of moolah as well. HAHA!
oh well.. long long one time. HAHA!
anw, besides going out and having fun,
i have been cooping myself at home everyday with shows.
天幕下的恋人 & 宫心计
superly nice shows. hahaa.
thanks lots to kor kor for lending me 宫心计's DVD.
cheers to holidays!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
holiday is:
- stay at home and watch tons of shows with tons of handsome guys in it. like 苗侨伟,郑嘉颖,黄宗泽,汪东城 and more. & grow fat too. tell me what's couch potato man..
- go out and have fun, shop and spend money like no one's business even though there is no income coming in. there is THAT ADIDAS TOP, THOSE ADIDAS BAGS,& THAT ADIDAS CAP!!!! oh, & mummy says she ain't going to feed me.
- go look for jobs before my income turns 0 like literally.
- go look for a rich boyf and get married fast. so my income continues to flow. so i don't have to worry about school fees. so i don't have to worry about shopping fees. 祝我心想事成. HAHA :))
- go have more training. shit man. my bones feel so weird without training. what does this show???
- stay at home and watch tons of shows with tons of handsome guys in it. like 苗侨伟,郑嘉颖,黄宗泽,汪东城 and more. & grow fat too. tell me what's couch potato man..
- go out and have fun, shop and spend money like no one's business even though there is no income coming in. there is THAT ADIDAS TOP, THOSE ADIDAS BAGS,& THAT ADIDAS CAP!!!! oh, & mummy says she ain't going to feed me.
- go look for jobs before my income turns 0 like literally.
- go look for a rich boyf and get married fast. so my income continues to flow. so i don't have to worry about school fees. so i don't have to worry about shopping fees. 祝我心想事成. HAHA :))
- go have more training. shit man. my bones feel so weird without training. what does this show???
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Chingay 2010, outings!,back to NYP :)), misc
hello dearest! i'm back! haha!
this week is cool!!! let's start from friday...
19th feb:
after work, met RQ and JT and YT to go chingay. lots of jokes de ok..
first, yt was late. then everyone almost took the wrong way because yt say 'follow the crowd' haha!!
then we had to walk a superrrrrrr long way to reach our destination.
then we had a hard time finding our destination.
and we kept complaining. hahah!
then we found our seats,
then they took the pom pom and started making fun with one another and someone. ssshhhhh!!
then the show started and we start watching, lots of comments. lots of wow-s. lots of photos, many things. & my phone went flat. -.-
then the show ended, and we went to makan subway. lots of bets made. haha. then went home. funny jokes made thanks to yee tian and his short-cut ways of talking. ASK ME!! hahah!!! or RQ also can. and JT!!! lol!!!
oh, & i saw some friends whom i knew from the golf event. but i think they couldnt recognise me. hahhaha!
this week is cool!!! let's start from friday...
19th feb:
after work, met RQ and JT and YT to go chingay. lots of jokes de ok..
first, yt was late. then everyone almost took the wrong way because yt say 'follow the crowd' haha!!
then we had to walk a superrrrrrr long way to reach our destination.
then we had a hard time finding our destination.
and we kept complaining. hahah!
then we found our seats,
then they took the pom pom and started making fun with one another and someone. ssshhhhh!!
then the show started and we start watching, lots of comments. lots of wow-s. lots of photos, many things. & my phone went flat. -.-
then the show ended, and we went to makan subway. lots of bets made. haha. then went home. funny jokes made thanks to yee tian and his short-cut ways of talking. ASK ME!! hahah!!! or RQ also can. and JT!!! lol!!!
oh, & i saw some friends whom i knew from the golf event. but i think they couldnt recognise me. hahhaha!
& the end of friday
20th feb:
started off with GRPS early in the morning with a bad sore throat.
actually intended to be assistant of an assistant coach so no need talk so much. but ended up i took a group of 11am kiddos. haha. yes, i talked at the top of my voice. ouch to throat.
class ended at 1230. off with RQ to green line.
she went to aljunied.
i went back to, of course, tampines.
reached home, slacked around.
fever a lil'.
melissa called for help with g2 stuffs.
met her @ tm, brought her to shopping.
fever a lil' still.
after that, met Derick Choo @ interchange,
went to bedok blk 85 for good food.
yes, not feeling well still.
bus-ed down, chit chat lots, laughed lots.
met JianWei and ordered food. those unhealthy food.
yeah, they told me to 以毒攻毒. hahah!
Der's food is definitely the most most most healthy one. OMG!
with JW and him,
recapped lots of stuffs.
many things that JW did not joined in, we told him.
many things that JW forgot, we refreshed his memory.
he left too early le la. & me and Der stayed too long le. HAH!
most of the time, we were also talking about our future.
and their army lives. it's interesting to hear them say about it,
especially when they are in 2 totally different environment.
me: 我昨天毕业了!!
Der: 我一年前毕业了!!
JW: 我两年前毕业了!!
talk about them throwing me cold water on my face. TSK!!!
time passed the fastest when we enjoyed the most.
after full night of fun, home sweet home. :))
oh oh oh!!!!
& i forgot to mention--
Jian Wei said that he is willing to sell me his 32gb iPod Touch to me!!!!!!!!
hahahh!!!! wee~~!!~~ :))))))
hahahahha!!! let's wait till he ORD first.
meanwhile i can save some money.
heh heh heh!


Derick Choo!!


if you are seeing this,
coz it's blur. haha!
but better than nothing la. LOL!
started off with GRPS early in the morning with a bad sore throat.
actually intended to be assistant of an assistant coach so no need talk so much. but ended up i took a group of 11am kiddos. haha. yes, i talked at the top of my voice. ouch to throat.
class ended at 1230. off with RQ to green line.
she went to aljunied.
i went back to, of course, tampines.
reached home, slacked around.
fever a lil'.
melissa called for help with g2 stuffs.
met her @ tm, brought her to shopping.
fever a lil' still.
after that, met Derick Choo @ interchange,
went to bedok blk 85 for good food.
yes, not feeling well still.
bus-ed down, chit chat lots, laughed lots.
met JianWei and ordered food. those unhealthy food.
yeah, they told me to 以毒攻毒. hahah!
Der's food is definitely the most most most healthy one. OMG!
with JW and him,
recapped lots of stuffs.
many things that JW did not joined in, we told him.
many things that JW forgot, we refreshed his memory.
he left too early le la. & me and Der stayed too long le. HAH!
most of the time, we were also talking about our future.
and their army lives. it's interesting to hear them say about it,
especially when they are in 2 totally different environment.
me: 我昨天毕业了!!
Der: 我一年前毕业了!!
JW: 我两年前毕业了!!
talk about them throwing me cold water on my face. TSK!!!
time passed the fastest when we enjoyed the most.
after full night of fun, home sweet home. :))
oh oh oh!!!!
& i forgot to mention--
Jian Wei said that he is willing to sell me his 32gb iPod Touch to me!!!!!!!!
hahahh!!!! wee~~!!~~ :))))))
hahahahha!!! let's wait till he ORD first.
meanwhile i can save some money.
heh heh heh!


Derick Choo!!


if you are seeing this,
coz it's blur. haha!
but better than nothing la. LOL!
& the end for saturday
21st feb:
woke up at 715.
prepare for hong wen training.
SHUCKS! couldnt even get out of bed.
last night's good food...
fever, blocked nose, and forget le.
msg coach, rq and i fell flat on my bed.
slept till 11 plus. daddy woke me up.
drove me all the way to NUS to submit my application forms.
thanks rq for reminding me.
after that went home, went to some place with daddy.
then went for training after popping some pills again.
as usual, self-medicate le. -.-
blah blah.. training.. taught kids.
home sweet home.
woke up at 715.
prepare for hong wen training.
SHUCKS! couldnt even get out of bed.
last night's good food...
fever, blocked nose, and forget le.
msg coach, rq and i fell flat on my bed.
slept till 11 plus. daddy woke me up.
drove me all the way to NUS to submit my application forms.
thanks rq for reminding me.
after that went home, went to some place with daddy.
then went for training after popping some pills again.
as usual, self-medicate le. -.-
blah blah.. training.. taught kids.
home sweet home.
& the end for sunday
22nd feb:
met nel, went school.
collected testimonial from ms yong.
submitted log book.
but log book kena rejected. coz lack of one signature.
need to make my way back again.
transport fee no need $$ like tt. grrrrrr
oh well, my fault.
anw, im happy today.
because i got to wear
t-shirt, shorts and slippers to school!
oh my favourite combination.
oh, i miss those days. hahah!
met nel, went school.
collected testimonial from ms yong.
submitted log book.
but log book kena rejected. coz lack of one signature.
need to make my way back again.
transport fee no need $$ like tt. grrrrrr
oh well, my fault.
anw, im happy today.
because i got to wear
t-shirt, shorts and slippers to school!
oh my favourite combination.
oh, i miss those days. hahah!
& the end of monday
chingay 2010,
family love-Z,
Sunday, February 21, 2010
3 weeks of retail, END OF ATTACHMENT!!!!
for the past 12 weeks, my status was:
no work on every saturdays.
my current status is:
no work EVERYDAY!!!
hahaa. simple logic: because i have ended my attachment!! yippeeee!!!!
hahha. i am like a free-er now. lol!!!
anyway, retail had been a good place. at least for me. so i didn't really understand why some people say retail is not nice. maybe it's the memory job. oh well, that was ok with me coz at least people there wont scold you if u forgot where things are. and i liked there tons coz i got to see tons of atas drugs and feeds and dressings. but i thought 3 weeks was like super short. there are still tons of stuffs that i have yet to learnt!!!! that is like the only regret in retail. oh well, too late for regrets. it's over already.
12 weeks of Hougang,
12 weeks of SGH.
had been great. really.
there had been bad times. like seriously bad times.
but well, we learnt from it, don't we?
don't ask me where will i wanna go in future.
for the past 12 weeks, my status was:
no work on every saturdays.
my current status is:
no work EVERYDAY!!!
hahaa. simple logic: because i have ended my attachment!! yippeeee!!!!
hahha. i am like a free-er now. lol!!!
anyway, retail had been a good place. at least for me. so i didn't really understand why some people say retail is not nice. maybe it's the memory job. oh well, that was ok with me coz at least people there wont scold you if u forgot where things are. and i liked there tons coz i got to see tons of atas drugs and feeds and dressings. but i thought 3 weeks was like super short. there are still tons of stuffs that i have yet to learnt!!!! that is like the only regret in retail. oh well, too late for regrets. it's over already.
12 weeks of Hougang,
12 weeks of SGH.
had been great. really.
there had been bad times. like seriously bad times.
but well, we learnt from it, don't we?
don't ask me where will i wanna go in future.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Guys VS Girls

had a talk with Irene last week? & our topic was 'Is there "friends forever" between guys and girls?'
interesting huh? in our case, we are referring to the ones that are exceptionally close with one another, yet are only best friends. and not romantically involved. haha!
and yep, of course i believe in it!!! with a simple reason, because I've got guy friends who are really best of buddies, or at most brothers. not much further can we go. haha!
not many. but few. people whom i know who to look for when i have troubles or grumbles. like wei chong and wei mun. my wushu 'brothers'. hahah
& there is also one particular guy whom i mentioned to irene when we were discussing about this topic. coz he is really really the very good example of my best guy friend. even though we had been romantically linked before for LONG time, (thanks to some people) he is defintely my bestest guy friend;
someone whom i have known for quite some time.
someone who is always a listening ear away.
someone who is not physically there, but always a call or msg away.
someone who is a good SOS! haha!
someone who had been there with me during my worst working days.
someone whose little actions of support touched me.
we don't contact each other often. like.. few weeks to months. but when i need help, he is always there. he might not understand what i am going through. he might not understand all the stuffs i am doing. but he is there to hear me grumble non-stop until i stop. haha! he might be not free when i need his companion. but he is definitely there for suggestions.
if there is a guy whom my future boyfriend must be jealous of, excluding my dad, he is definitely the one. HAHAH! yeah, he is that significant in my life. he may not think that this is him. because we have not been in contact for quite some time, like a month or two. but nevertheless, yes, he is a person whom in a way see changes in me in a phase of my life.
so yup, i believe that there is this friendship that can last, between guys and girls.
like me and him!
don't ask me why i think that we can't further.
it's just a matter of chemistry between us. haha!!
& no, i am not revealing his name out.
happy guessing. :))
interesting huh? in our case, we are referring to the ones that are exceptionally close with one another, yet are only best friends. and not romantically involved. haha!
and yep, of course i believe in it!!! with a simple reason, because I've got guy friends who are really best of buddies, or at most brothers. not much further can we go. haha!
not many. but few. people whom i know who to look for when i have troubles or grumbles. like wei chong and wei mun. my wushu 'brothers'. hahah
& there is also one particular guy whom i mentioned to irene when we were discussing about this topic. coz he is really really the very good example of my best guy friend. even though we had been romantically linked before for LONG time, (thanks to some people) he is defintely my bestest guy friend;
someone whom i have known for quite some time.
someone who is always a listening ear away.
someone who is not physically there, but always a call or msg away.
someone who is a good SOS! haha!
someone who had been there with me during my worst working days.
someone whose little actions of support touched me.
we don't contact each other often. like.. few weeks to months. but when i need help, he is always there. he might not understand what i am going through. he might not understand all the stuffs i am doing. but he is there to hear me grumble non-stop until i stop. haha! he might be not free when i need his companion. but he is definitely there for suggestions.
if there is a guy whom my future boyfriend must be jealous of, excluding my dad, he is definitely the one. HAHAH! yeah, he is that significant in my life. he may not think that this is him. because we have not been in contact for quite some time, like a month or two. but nevertheless, yes, he is a person whom in a way see changes in me in a phase of my life.
so yup, i believe that there is this friendship that can last, between guys and girls.
like me and him!
don't ask me why i think that we can't further.
it's just a matter of chemistry between us. haha!!
& no, i am not revealing his name out.
happy guessing. :))

No More FYP!! :))

Jaslyn & me,
& our specky fun.
*heaves a sigh of relief*
it's like a big big stone being let off.
now, it's really TIME TO PLAY PLAY PLAY!!!
these 3 months,
i had grumblings and complaints.
i didn't understand what i was reading.
i even dreamt of the bone structures in my sleep when reading about pathophysiology of the disease.
yes, that was how bad it was.
oh, & there was this shitty AES that practically tore everyone's hair off.
cannot link, picture can see...
& many more.. HAHA!
after the first presentation,
there were few weeks whereby i would meet irene to go back to school library to do fyp.
yeah~ fyp partner. haha!
& we would chat about tons of stuffs too. haha!
oh well,
i don't feel like talking much about fyp now, since it's over.
aes, checked.
2 presentations, checked & checked
one report, checked
& one more week to end of attachment.
shall blog about retail after next week or the week after as a whole bah.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Miscellanoeus Week
updates~ :))
week 8: Miscellaneous week;
A&E, store, labs.
A&E is nothing to do de. just sit and stone.
Store Receiving area is boring with a huge capital B but issuing side is fun Fun FUN! got to the world of many cartons. I'm a strong girl! :DD develop muscles. heh heh heh!
Labs are bored coz they don't let us do anything, just see see only. sian.. make my heart itchy only.
this week is retail pharmacy. so is next week. and next next week.
it has been 5 months since i had been back.
doesn't seem much changes, except that the kids learnt more things.
back again after 5 months, did 2 first times
first time take warm up on my own. thanks RQ for letting me have the chance.
first time take a class on my own. the 11am lil' kids all by myself.
it wasn't easy, but the kids were not that bad. so yeah, i survived. :DDDDD
went down to fuhai after that, then to ubi to cheer them for grading.
helped out a lil' too. but i didn't help much. hahaha!
come march,RQ and Taiji partner will be going for theirs.
JIAYOU!!! and to TJ partner, dun aim for pass only ok????
yesterday sunday got no tampines training.
so after hongwen went to orchard with friends.
can imagine?? to town in orchard area in wushu attire is not enough,
my sword is with me leh!!! carrying sword with me in town. LOL!
anyway, it was super fun, because MY FIRST TIME TO ION ORCHARD!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
why can't frontpage just link everything together????
count down: 9 more days...
week 8: Miscellaneous week;
A&E, store, labs.
A&E is nothing to do de. just sit and stone.
Store Receiving area is boring with a huge capital B but issuing side is fun Fun FUN! got to the world of many cartons. I'm a strong girl! :DD develop muscles. heh heh heh!
Labs are bored coz they don't let us do anything, just see see only. sian.. make my heart itchy only.
this week is retail pharmacy. so is next week. and next next week.
it has been 5 months since i had been back.
doesn't seem much changes, except that the kids learnt more things.
back again after 5 months, did 2 first times
first time take warm up on my own. thanks RQ for letting me have the chance.
first time take a class on my own. the 11am lil' kids all by myself.
it wasn't easy, but the kids were not that bad. so yeah, i survived. :DDDDD
went down to fuhai after that, then to ubi to cheer them for grading.
helped out a lil' too. but i didn't help much. hahaha!
come march,RQ and Taiji partner will be going for theirs.
JIAYOU!!! and to TJ partner, dun aim for pass only ok????
yesterday sunday got no tampines training.
so after hongwen went to orchard with friends.
can imagine?? to town in orchard area in wushu attire is not enough,
my sword is with me leh!!! carrying sword with me in town. LOL!
anyway, it was super fun, because MY FIRST TIME TO ION ORCHARD!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
i hate AES!! i hate AES!! i hate AES!!
why can't frontpage just link everything together????
count down: 9 more days...
Attachment @ SGH,
My 3 years in NYP,
wushu =)
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