taking a break from watching shows. hahaha
as blogged previously, i am currently watching 2 shows:
宫心计 & 天幕下的恋人

two favourite guys of mine in it. 郑嘉颖 & 黄宗泽. mwahahah!
Janella is always saying about how nice this show is.
& i caught a lil' on tv the other day. & thought was pretty nice, so yupp, watching it online.
but the loading is also super slow. >.<
whenever i want to watch it, the loading is so slow. so i watched the other show first. and when 宫心计 reaches the climax of that episode, this show would just nice load finish and make my heart itchy, don't know which to watch. IRRITATING LA!!! TSK!
nevertheless, still a nice one. good shows are worth the wait. & eye-candies are worth watching. heh heh! Melissa, don't jealous. :P
interesting scene on msn:
me: wahh sad ah. the guy i like got rejected.
ruiqi: he rejected you?
me: in the show.
ruiqi: -.-
HAHA! yeah la. 郑嘉颖 got rejected. sad leh. LOL!! but i thought RQ's reaction is more funny. LOL!
anyway, thanks to kor kor's intro and lending me of the discs. that's why i get to watch this show. see how pretty their clothes are, see how nice their hair pins are, see how the women fight with one another, see how they practice their sarcasm, see how the arrows fly all over the whole palace. hahahha! sometimes, such scenes are really interesting in 3rd party's point of view.
& you may wonder, what would happen if one day, this befalls you. hmm..
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