had a talk with Irene last week? & our topic was 'Is there "friends forever" between guys and girls?'
interesting huh? in our case, we are referring to the ones that are exceptionally close with one another, yet are only best friends. and not romantically involved. haha!
and yep, of course i believe in it!!! with a simple reason, because I've got guy friends who are really best of buddies, or at most brothers. not much further can we go. haha!
not many. but few. people whom i know who to look for when i have troubles or grumbles. like wei chong and wei mun. my wushu 'brothers'. hahah
& there is also one particular guy whom i mentioned to irene when we were discussing about this topic. coz he is really really the very good example of my best guy friend. even though we had been romantically linked before for LONG time, (thanks to some people) he is defintely my bestest guy friend;
someone whom i have known for quite some time.
someone who is always a listening ear away.
someone who is not physically there, but always a call or msg away.
someone who is a good SOS! haha!
someone who had been there with me during my worst working days.
someone whose little actions of support touched me.
we don't contact each other often. like.. few weeks to months. but when i need help, he is always there. he might not understand what i am going through. he might not understand all the stuffs i am doing. but he is there to hear me grumble non-stop until i stop. haha! he might be not free when i need his companion. but he is definitely there for suggestions.
if there is a guy whom my future boyfriend must be jealous of, excluding my dad, he is definitely the one. HAHAH! yeah, he is that significant in my life. he may not think that this is him. because we have not been in contact for quite some time, like a month or two. but nevertheless, yes, he is a person whom in a way see changes in me in a phase of my life.
so yup, i believe that there is this friendship that can last, between guys and girls.
like me and him!
don't ask me why i think that we can't further.
it's just a matter of chemistry between us. haha!!
& no, i am not revealing his name out.
happy guessing. :))
interesting huh? in our case, we are referring to the ones that are exceptionally close with one another, yet are only best friends. and not romantically involved. haha!
and yep, of course i believe in it!!! with a simple reason, because I've got guy friends who are really best of buddies, or at most brothers. not much further can we go. haha!
not many. but few. people whom i know who to look for when i have troubles or grumbles. like wei chong and wei mun. my wushu 'brothers'. hahah
& there is also one particular guy whom i mentioned to irene when we were discussing about this topic. coz he is really really the very good example of my best guy friend. even though we had been romantically linked before for LONG time, (thanks to some people) he is defintely my bestest guy friend;
someone whom i have known for quite some time.
someone who is always a listening ear away.
someone who is not physically there, but always a call or msg away.
someone who is a good SOS! haha!
someone who had been there with me during my worst working days.
someone whose little actions of support touched me.
we don't contact each other often. like.. few weeks to months. but when i need help, he is always there. he might not understand what i am going through. he might not understand all the stuffs i am doing. but he is there to hear me grumble non-stop until i stop. haha! he might be not free when i need his companion. but he is definitely there for suggestions.
if there is a guy whom my future boyfriend must be jealous of, excluding my dad, he is definitely the one. HAHAH! yeah, he is that significant in my life. he may not think that this is him. because we have not been in contact for quite some time, like a month or two. but nevertheless, yes, he is a person whom in a way see changes in me in a phase of my life.
so yup, i believe that there is this friendship that can last, between guys and girls.
like me and him!
don't ask me why i think that we can't further.
it's just a matter of chemistry between us. haha!!
& no, i am not revealing his name out.
happy guessing. :))

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