oh~~ i am back again.. hahah... havent been blogging for quite some time. had been busy, and so many things have happened at the same time. good things, bad things.. well, mostly bad things. the worst was what i saw on sunday, i guess. shall not elaborate much on it. not worth keeping it in here. coz it is only going to make me think more negatively only.
then, my november schedule is out. what i can say is that, i think i have my retribution for laughing at derick la.... i saw his schedule with 2 or 3 of full shifts and 12-10on the first weekend. and i laughed at him. in the end i got full shift on deepavali, and 12-10 on both weekends on the second week. why did i laugh at him seh?????? see la.. always laugh at him for 12-10... now i also got already. and gt two at the same time. double heart attack..... aarrggghh...
besides that, another bad thing that happened to me was that i had to pay $12.25 for a pair of pants that i dont know disappear until where. aarrgghh... calling for a pair of pants... 78 2671 13 38... with a alteration reference number on the tag, ending with number 90.... anyone knows where is it or not???? aiya.. no matter what, even if it is found, i guess also no use already... 12 bucks just flew away from my pocket... to somewhere. >.< style="color: rgb(255, 255, 153);font-size:78%;" >i not only hate you now.
i very very very hate you.
when i say three times, it means really very hate.
and it very hate that hate.
call me childish, immature, for all i care.
this is what i am feeling, thinking.
i keep telling myself that i shouldnt do that.
but i just cant stop myself from doing so....
am i seeing things, or is it true?
the smile on ur face has disappeared....
for that, i shall not hate you so much.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
felt really dumb today. because i actually slept one hour later than the usual time. usually, when i have classes at 9am, i will wake up at 630am. but today, i actually woke up at 7.30am. and i didnt realise it until 7.45am. and it was really very very late that time lo.. in the end, daddy fetch me to school. haha. on motorbike. and i was the first one to reach school lo.. haha. -.- full day practical. was all over level 7 the whole day. hehhe. but i wasnt really in the right mood for it. then wushu training was quite tiring.. because today before the whole training, we ran around the court for dont know how many rounds. then in the end was really very tired la.. all that stupid ziwei's fault de.. run until like tt.. hahah *oops* blah blah.. then eric taught us gong li quan. almost finishing it le... but in the end, memory too full, couldnt continue all. hahah. left abit abit nia.. then next month grading.. haish... hahhaha kkies.. im going to bed... tmr really is 630 wake up. hahah. LOL
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
it's only a few days since i have updated this blog, but it really seems like it has been a long time. just this few days really had a lot of things that have happened. like kim, our g2000 manager, has left us for g2PP. and hence, we are having a new manager. haha. from what we heard about her, i guess, our nightmare is starting soon. though in the past, there were times when i wasn't pleased with her, but i guess i might prefer her to the new manager, whom i shall not name, until i know her well. but i guess... most people who work g2 de should know. most importantly, i seriously hope that she will approve my schdule of only working for 3 days instead of 4 days, because school is really packed. =x
then, school has reopened. my stuffs are almost done. lecture notes, tutorials, practical manuals... blah blahs... all except cell biology de.. hahha. but i guess that one still ok... this month really spent a lot of money on these stuffs. so, i am repeating what i said last semester, which is, i am going to study hard, so i would not be letting the money i spent on these notes go to waste, go down the drain. hahah =p
then... the reason why i havent been online for the past few days was because, my right eye is swollen. sian.... it's the same thingy that has been happening to me since i was young la... im used to it already. haha.... but seriously, i guess i wont be online this often anymore, when school has started, because i need to catch up on my beauty sleep again, because from the day school has start to term break, i dont think i am going to have any more days whereby i can sleep till i wake up without an alarm clock.
and as though my eyes are not giving me enough problems, i am sick. currently having sore throat, flu. and during training yesterday, i felt as though i was going to vomit any time lo. i think i scared jing ting... anyway, thanks for concern yesterday. =p
eric says he wants us to go for grading on november. =x. *stressed*
green white belt..........
vincent ng didnt get into the top 40 for this year's star awards. stupid mediacorp. this year star awards no need watch le... go work go work.... >.<>.<
i guess that's all bah... cantface this screen too long.. hahah. nights.
then, school has reopened. my stuffs are almost done. lecture notes, tutorials, practical manuals... blah blahs... all except cell biology de.. hahha. but i guess that one still ok... this month really spent a lot of money on these stuffs. so, i am repeating what i said last semester, which is, i am going to study hard, so i would not be letting the money i spent on these notes go to waste, go down the drain. hahah =p
then... the reason why i havent been online for the past few days was because, my right eye is swollen. sian.... it's the same thingy that has been happening to me since i was young la... im used to it already. haha.... but seriously, i guess i wont be online this often anymore, when school has started, because i need to catch up on my beauty sleep again, because from the day school has start to term break, i dont think i am going to have any more days whereby i can sleep till i wake up without an alarm clock.
and as though my eyes are not giving me enough problems, i am sick. currently having sore throat, flu. and during training yesterday, i felt as though i was going to vomit any time lo. i think i scared jing ting... anyway, thanks for concern yesterday. =p
eric says he wants us to go for grading on november. =x. *stressed*
green white belt..........
vincent ng didnt get into the top 40 for this year's star awards. stupid mediacorp. this year star awards no need watch le... go work go work.... >.<>.<
i guess that's all bah... cantface this screen too long.. hahah. nights.
idol love-Z,
wushu =)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
stupid penguin
i am pissed off with that stupid penguin again. but i shall not blog about it. it is just so going to ruin my blog. no point remembering it anyway....
i swear, ladies are just horrible creatures..... excluding me. ^^
i am so not looking forward to school....
timetable seriously sucks.
i swear, ladies are just horrible creatures..... excluding me. ^^
i am so not looking forward to school....
timetable seriously sucks.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
woohoo... i am back from work!!!!! haha. work today was quite busy. i guess it's because it is public holiday eve bah.. then plus it is friday... so a lot of people cam out to shop. haha. before work, met up with miao ru, michelle and weng yan to celebrate my belated birthday. hehhe. we went to suntec city to queue for donut factory. we dined there, and michelle even bought candles. hahha. it was really really very nice lo. even michelle, miaoru and wengyan agreed. i ordered raspberry dark chocolate and the spicy cheese de.... and spicy cheese is like so so so so so nice lo~~~~ haha. and i bought another 1 dozen home. with 2 spicy cheese de, and 2 double chocolate. hehe. i ate one each for dinner, and the other double chocolate donut i gave my small sis, since she likes chocolate de. hehe. i so good huh? haha. then then...... on the way home, my big big box was like giving me alot of trouble, because it was like a bit fragile... and i kept saying, the donuts are first priority. i fall down can, but my donuts cannot. haha. and mimi they kept laughing at me. we went back to century square to take neoprints after buying donuts. hahah. fun fun. because the thingy can pull out de.. haha. with miaomiao now... getting it when we see each other again. hehe.
i simply love them more and more now. once, we were so close. we didnt really had any quarrels between us. maybe between michelle and me, yeah, we had. but everything cleared up very fast. and i am proud to say that there hadn't been any quarrels or arguments between miaoru, or wengyan, ever since i know them. then, due to various reasons, we began to drift apart. to the extent that when we met up, we had nothing much to say to each other. however, after more and more meetings with each other, we now, can be like what we once were like, chatting non stop for so many hours. even though the 4 of us are in four different schools, 4 different institutions. i can say that, we have been closer than we were once used to be. and i love you guys more than last time. hehe.
pics shall be uploaded when i have the time. heheh
off to bed. im tired. ^^
i simply love them more and more now. once, we were so close. we didnt really had any quarrels between us. maybe between michelle and me, yeah, we had. but everything cleared up very fast. and i am proud to say that there hadn't been any quarrels or arguments between miaoru, or wengyan, ever since i know them. then, due to various reasons, we began to drift apart. to the extent that when we met up, we had nothing much to say to each other. however, after more and more meetings with each other, we now, can be like what we once were like, chatting non stop for so many hours. even though the 4 of us are in four different schools, 4 different institutions. i can say that, we have been closer than we were once used to be. and i love you guys more than last time. hehe.
pics shall be uploaded when i have the time. heheh
off to bed. im tired. ^^
Friday, October 12, 2007
i am very very very very very very very very angry today. stupid penguin. being the most senior, it is your job, duty, and responsibility to make sure that everything in the shop goes fine. especially when the shoplifter is back, almost every day. today, when i realise a piece of top has a lose sensor tag after a lady tried it on, i informed tt penguin straight, since she is the most senior. instead of asking me who was that person who last tried on the top, and keep an eye on her, she turned to me and asked me, 'is it i never put the sensor tag properly, and hence it is lose?' what the hell!?!?!?!?!?!?! so that is more important than keeping an eye on a potential shoplifter huh? fine, then i shall not keep a look out for u, since u arent even bothered, so why should i. and which person keeps to the counter the whole night, calling everyone else to get things for u, while u idle at the counter, doing other stuffs. when i called out to you regarding the senosor tag, u rather talk on the phone about some other stuffs, rather than concerning about this issue. i seriously wonder what type of senior are you, and whether u are suitable to be one. i am seriously very pissed.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
i just watched CSI.
a guy who died had a waist of 19 inches.
oh my god....
19 inches leh...
makes me feel so fat,
especially after what i ate today....
had lunch at 3pm plus,
then had kit-kat at 5pm+
then had a chocolate moo-s ice cream
then had KFC bandito student meal for dinner.
then had a 旺旺吸的冻 strawberry flavour.
then daddy bought small donuts.
and i ate four.
2 were chocolate flavour.....
i am growing fat.
a guy who died had a waist of 19 inches.
oh my god....
19 inches leh...
makes me feel so fat,
especially after what i ate today....
had lunch at 3pm plus,
then had kit-kat at 5pm+
then had a chocolate moo-s ice cream
then had KFC bandito student meal for dinner.
then had a 旺旺吸的冻 strawberry flavour.
then daddy bought small donuts.
and i ate four.
2 were chocolate flavour.....
i am growing fat.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
i know hong yi is gonna be the first.
so i shall be the second,
PEI SHAN!!!!!!!!!!
erm.. hem...
*clears throat*
happy birthday to u~
happy birthday to u~
happy birthday to PeiShan~~~~~
happy birthday to PeiShan~~~~~
happy birthday to u~~~
here to wish u a very very very
18th birthday.
best wishes to you.
stay pretty, cool and fun forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 years old le...
can learn driving,
can buy cigarette,
can watch M18 movie
can buy 4D
most importantly of all.....
u are older than me again.
anyway, happy birthday.
time table is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
school on monday is cool.
only 2 hrs of practical on IT for life science.
i hate tuesday.
school is from 8am to 6pm.
shit tuesdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wednesday is whole day practicals....
hope it's fun.
thursday also 8am start sch
and ends at 5pm.
darn thursday too.
friday.... 6pm too.
with KuanKo's 3hr of biostatistics lecture.
Kuan Ko, 3 hours.
god damn freaking 3 hours....
how to survive?????????????????
Nuh bully me just now.
he asked me to mop the floor,
while he wipes the mirror.
how can????
i want wipe mirror de lo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the end,
of course is i get to wipe the mirror....
thomas low got disturbed my me just now.
because i close shop le,
he still havent.
he almost went crazy with my counting down-s....
disturb me some more la.
he aint reading this.
who cares~~~~
part 2 story
the story about that aunty who was transferred from OUB centre has a part 2 series.
which is::::
she is staying permanent in g2000 tampines mall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone is fainting.
i dont wnt to be transferred to men side can????
with that auntie there..
i dont know how to survive leh...
unless if they transfer me there when she isnt working.
then i dont mind.
i rather stay at ladies side.
xi guan jiu hao.
which is::::
she is staying permanent in g2000 tampines mall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone is fainting.
i dont wnt to be transferred to men side can????
with that auntie there..
i dont know how to survive leh...
unless if they transfer me there when she isnt working.
then i dont mind.
i rather stay at ladies side.
xi guan jiu hao.
Monday, October 08, 2007
this is my 260th post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
coming 24th will be the second anniversary of this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i didnt get to pack stock today.
stupid nazron didnt come for work.
then there wasnt enough people outside.
so i cant pack stock.
kim was nice today.
because we had nothing to do around 8pm plus,
then i kept grumbling...
i want bubble tea.
and she let me go buy!!!!!
but i was busy with the alteration, so i didnt went.
when i wanted to go,
there were a lot of people in the shop,
then i couldnt go.
but before closing,
there wasnt much people,
then she let me go buy bubble tea
kim is very nice.
celebrate belinda's birthday today.
hafizah came down.
belinda will be leaving on 9th. sad.
next time who shall i call out to if i cant find my stocks?????
who will be packing the cartons????
who will help replenish stocks?????
belinda~~~ stay la.......
i was happy when soobee told me that after belinda is gone,
i am the only one who can help with stock packing.
i am also happy when she says i pack stock very good.
kim praises me too ok????
she see the stocks i packed yesterday,
and she said i very good.
hahah.then i get to eat dinner at 4pm.
i am proud that they praised me.
now, i like to pack stocks even more,
though it makes me tired.
coming 24th will be the second anniversary of this blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i didnt get to pack stock today.
stupid nazron didnt come for work.
then there wasnt enough people outside.
so i cant pack stock.
kim was nice today.
because we had nothing to do around 8pm plus,
then i kept grumbling...
i want bubble tea.
and she let me go buy!!!!!
but i was busy with the alteration, so i didnt went.
when i wanted to go,
there were a lot of people in the shop,
then i couldnt go.
but before closing,
there wasnt much people,
then she let me go buy bubble tea
kim is very nice.
celebrate belinda's birthday today.
hafizah came down.
belinda will be leaving on 9th. sad.
next time who shall i call out to if i cant find my stocks?????
who will be packing the cartons????
who will help replenish stocks?????
belinda~~~ stay la.......
i was happy when soobee told me that after belinda is gone,
i am the only one who can help with stock packing.
i am also happy when she says i pack stock very good.
kim praises me too ok????
she see the stocks i packed yesterday,
and she said i very good.
hahah.then i get to eat dinner at 4pm.
i am proud that they praised me.
now, i like to pack stocks even more,
though it makes me tired.
work: i love work a lot yesterday. because i was assigned to pack the store room the whole day. hahah. i guess today too. i like to pack the store room, and see them neat neat. though i know that within three days, everything would be back to square one. well.. i just like things to be neat can??? first weekend work without claire. since her last day last week. though she came down to visit us and stayed till closing, but, work without her is still sian lo..... cant gossip with her when she comes over to ladies side to take stocks. sad..... hmm...... i am beginning to think, when will my last day come....
work later at 2pm. pack store room again. i hope.
work later at 2pm. pack store room again. i hope.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
three things to blog today.
1. i forgot to blog something about the DND. it was the drink. first, it was ice water. then the waiter topped it up with 7 up. then another waiter topped it up with plain water. in the end, i ended up drinking ice water with gas almost throughout the whole dinner. derick too.. hahah
2. i had a slight diarrhea after the chalet. i didnt think much about it, as i thought maybe i had too much junk. but when i went to work today, i realised that i wasnt the only one who was suffering from it. apparently, almost everyone had it. they said because the food at Meritus Mandarin Hotel wasnt clean. they said it was the silver cod. i felt lucky that i didnt finish mine. i felt lucky that derick didnt give me his share. however, i pitied gerwin alot, because he took derick's share, and ad double of the unclean silver cod. omg.... heard that they were going to complain to the hotel. i guess it will lose one star after this complain. like what thomas said, such a hotel happen this type of thing is really very unbelievable. haha.
3. this part of the blog is dedicated to someone. i am not mentioning names, because i know she knows who i am referring to.
first of all, i didnt tell you what he said to us because i knew u would not be happy when told. anyway, the thingy was a past, not worth mentioning, when both of you have already moved on. i guess that was what he thinks as well, hence, we refused to tell you. maybe after that, he really brought the joke abit too far. to us, yeas, it's a joke. but i guess to you, it might still hurt a bit. im not surprised that you would feel so negative about it, to the extent that u actually kept to urself throughout the night while we were having fun at the slide. i knew u werent feeling too good. hence, i thought it would be better if i let u have some space to urself and not disturb you, and let u do some thinking on ur own. i guess u arent happy about me leaving u alone??? to the extend that u refuse to bother me when i called u, and when i asked you how u wanted to go home. i couldnt just leave u alone, but it was a fact that u walked away from me. to say the truth, i really dont know what you were thinking. are you the one who have changed, or am i the one? or do i really not know you at all, from the start. i feel that i do not really know you at all, from the behavior u gave me today. if this brings an end to our friendship, i really feel very ke xi, and stupid. that a friendship of more than 10 years actually comes to an end because of this. seriously, i am speechless. really speechless. and i think the others too.
i like sun plaza park. there's swings there. i want go again. hahah.
1. i forgot to blog something about the DND. it was the drink. first, it was ice water. then the waiter topped it up with 7 up. then another waiter topped it up with plain water. in the end, i ended up drinking ice water with gas almost throughout the whole dinner. derick too.. hahah
2. i had a slight diarrhea after the chalet. i didnt think much about it, as i thought maybe i had too much junk. but when i went to work today, i realised that i wasnt the only one who was suffering from it. apparently, almost everyone had it. they said because the food at Meritus Mandarin Hotel wasnt clean. they said it was the silver cod. i felt lucky that i didnt finish mine. i felt lucky that derick didnt give me his share. however, i pitied gerwin alot, because he took derick's share, and ad double of the unclean silver cod. omg.... heard that they were going to complain to the hotel. i guess it will lose one star after this complain. like what thomas said, such a hotel happen this type of thing is really very unbelievable. haha.
3. this part of the blog is dedicated to someone. i am not mentioning names, because i know she knows who i am referring to.
first of all, i didnt tell you what he said to us because i knew u would not be happy when told. anyway, the thingy was a past, not worth mentioning, when both of you have already moved on. i guess that was what he thinks as well, hence, we refused to tell you. maybe after that, he really brought the joke abit too far. to us, yeas, it's a joke. but i guess to you, it might still hurt a bit. im not surprised that you would feel so negative about it, to the extent that u actually kept to urself throughout the night while we were having fun at the slide. i knew u werent feeling too good. hence, i thought it would be better if i let u have some space to urself and not disturb you, and let u do some thinking on ur own. i guess u arent happy about me leaving u alone??? to the extend that u refuse to bother me when i called u, and when i asked you how u wanted to go home. i couldnt just leave u alone, but it was a fact that u walked away from me. to say the truth, i really dont know what you were thinking. are you the one who have changed, or am i the one? or do i really not know you at all, from the start. i feel that i do not really know you at all, from the behavior u gave me today. if this brings an end to our friendship, i really feel very ke xi, and stupid. that a friendship of more than 10 years actually comes to an end because of this. seriously, i am speechless. really speechless. and i think the others too.
i like sun plaza park. there's swings there. i want go again. hahah.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
im back from chalet. hahha. wild wild wet was fun. haha. i tanned myself, though it wasnt very obvious. seriously, i would like myself to be tanner. haish.... ok... take me as sua ku or whatever. but this is the first time i went to wild wild wet, so to me, it really is fun. haha. i want go again... hahha. lalala. actually i thought i got work today. then i was very gan chiong, in the end, when i went home, and was preparing for work, and chekcing my schedule, i realised actually today i got no work. sians..... make me gan chiong for nothing. blah blah. hahah. watch tv now. later dont know what to do. blah blah. i very hot... i want drink slurpy. =x
wing tai dnd
some pictures i got in my phone for the DND on 3rd october.
taken at g2000:

senior part-timer, derick and me.
i took with others too,
but wasnt with my phone.
so couldnt post it up.

the wing tai 'school logo'

my invitation card in the form of jotter book.
the logo is i paste anyhow de.
after the whole dinner.

stupid derick choo kept putting the 'school rules' in front of me.
>.< 'No vomiting on school grounds or risk a fine of S$850.' i love this rule. hahha.

pretty gal, LiChao and me.
she is my 大姐,
but derick choo kept calling her 阿嫂 because she is older than him for a few months.

derick choo and me.
he is my '二姐' cum brother.

my lucky draw number
such a nice number,
but did not let me win anything.
haish... sad.
the souvenir given by wing tai retail.
looks nice.
taken at g2000:

senior part-timer, derick and me.
i took with others too,
but wasnt with my phone.
so couldnt post it up.

the wing tai 'school logo'

my invitation card in the form of jotter book.
the logo is i paste anyhow de.
after the whole dinner.

stupid derick choo kept putting the 'school rules' in front of me.
>.< 'No vomiting on school grounds or risk a fine of S$850.' i love this rule. hahha.

pretty gal, LiChao and me.
she is my 大姐,
but derick choo kept calling her 阿嫂 because she is older than him for a few months.

derick choo and me.
he is my '二姐' cum brother.

my lucky draw number
such a nice number,
but did not let me win anything.
haish... sad.

the souvenir given by wing tai retail.
looks nice.
the dnd was fun. i went to meet the others at tampines mall at 5pm. but, i forgot to bring the invitation card. then i had to went all the way home again, and took the card. tired me out lo... we cabbed down to meritus mandrin hotel. quite bored when waiting to be seated. so we looked around, and saw alot of people in 'cute' uniforms. coz our theme is 'back to school'. a lot of people wore the japanese uniforms. then i saw someone in kia kia's wear. haha. ken liew, our general manager, really wore a general uniform. hahah.derick wore so formal, that wendy tarm was stunned when she saw him. kally kor kor also wear formal. haha. black label somemore. blah blah.... during performance time was the most funniest de lo. ken liew and lele quek 'dance' very funny. especially ken liew. omg... i dont know what to say. but really made us laugh until breathless. the food was ok~.. i like the mayonnaise prawn. but the scallop was really very balnd. then that stupid derick dont eat seafood de, and gave me all the prawn. ok. he was good enough to peel it liao, then give it to me. and say what, bcause he good, so he give it to me. bull shit lo. hahah. blah blah blah.... then the cheesecake is actually ok de. but because too full le, so never finish it. but there was a dark chocolate stick. of course i eat it. hahah. and ate derick's share too. hahah. blah blah... luck draw didnt get me anything. apple ipod nano, plasma tv all dont have my share. sad. after that took mrt home. reached home 12+, abt 1am i think.... then sleep, prepare for chalet the next day. hahah
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
im addicted to msn de hexic again. hahha. last time, was HongYi introduced this game to me de, then i was addicted. after a while, i didnt play it anymore. recently, i am back at it. and i just broke my high score. 70k. hahha. i still have a long way to go la..... must play more, then i can train. hahha.
oh yah, i officially announce that i have 3 tong lei-s. WeiChong, Corinne and HongYi.
WeiChong is because we like Vincent Ng, and we both like the same wushu movie. 王者之锋. then there is also some common things between us.
Corinne is because she likes vincent ng too, then she knows 王者之锋 as well, and... we have a secret in common. tong lei, u know i know hor??? hahah.
HongYi is because... we are literature students. haha.
and the common things in all between me and my tong lei-s is that... we share a passion for wushu. hahhahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh yah, i officially announce that i have 3 tong lei-s. WeiChong, Corinne and HongYi.
WeiChong is because we like Vincent Ng, and we both like the same wushu movie. 王者之锋. then there is also some common things between us.
Corinne is because she likes vincent ng too, then she knows 王者之锋 as well, and... we have a secret in common. tong lei, u know i know hor??? hahah.
HongYi is because... we are literature students. haha.
and the common things in all between me and my tong lei-s is that... we share a passion for wushu. hahhahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
random post.
this is going to be a very very very random post. because i really have nothing in mind now. hahha. i have only 30 bucks left, and i have exceeded my this month's pocket money. this means, i have less pocket money next month. about 170 bucks for next month. INCLUDING 52 bucks of bus concession. oh my god. i dont know how am i going to survive man... people, this month please please dont ask me go out shopping. pay day is not here yet, but i am still going to be broke when it arrives. with only 30 bucks left till 7th october, i am not going anywhere bah. where can i go? tomorrow got DND, i have to top up my ez-link card, then cab fare at night.... all the way from orchard to tampines. it is so going to cost a bomb lo. then weekend still got work. dinner need money also ma..... supper no need le. go home eat whatever i can find already. hahha. i think i am going to stay at home for the next few days le. but, staying at home is going to be very sian. because that sister of mine is having her PSLE. that means, no television in the living room. no blasting of radio in the living room. no computers on with loud speakers. well, my lappie is not included la... hahah. tv, i can watch in my room. radio i can use the one at my table. but... so many restrictions, i dont know what i can do lo. cannot this cannot that. shit man! during my O lvl days, the tv in the living room was blasted on the whole day, the computer was on with loud speakers blasting together with the TV, and the radio was on the whole day. when i complained and grumbled about it, no one gave me a damn. grrr......... nothing to do. yeah, i am rotting at home. i really have nothing to do. i have cleared everything i can clear already leh. haish....
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
im back home!!!!! tired. haha. was out since afternoon to catch movie. watched that ratatoulie. i dont know how to spell. haha. CH treated me de. ^^ birthday treat. the movie was not bad. laughed alot. i like the part where the rats threw the health inspector into a room with him tied and gagged. that was cool man. 'he is appetite, and has a big ego.' muahaha. heheh. after that, went to loiter around tampines mall and century square until about work time. started work at 6pm. like i wished, there wasnt a lot of people. muahaha.... replenish alot very fast, before closing, butdont know why, after closing still got a lot of things to replenish. snatched housekeeping with that ah boon. (KaiWen la) in the end, he vaccumed, i wipe mirrors, and mopped the floor. hahah. die die also must wipe mirror. can train hand muscle. ^^ today, nothing much, except that i am back at ladies side again. no more men side duty. sian. oh yah. and i kena di-siaoed by someone, because of throw rubbis issue. bluahs!!!!
haish.... dnd is just like.... tomorrow? (coz now is 2nd october le.) yet, i still dont know what to wear. it's just 'back to school'. but why is it so hard to decide??? because it is located at some dont know where, i think orchard, de high class hotel. because the guys are wearing till damn formal. coz everyone says that we, g2000 tampines mall de ladies, are going to wear black. that us the main problem. i only have 3 shirts in black, not counting NYP orientation shirt. one mickey mouse, one cartoon, and one long sleeve shirt, but, yeah, it's still to casual. sians......
happy belated children's day...
haish.... dnd is just like.... tomorrow? (coz now is 2nd october le.) yet, i still dont know what to wear. it's just 'back to school'. but why is it so hard to decide??? because it is located at some dont know where, i think orchard, de high class hotel. because the guys are wearing till damn formal. coz everyone says that we, g2000 tampines mall de ladies, are going to wear black. that us the main problem. i only have 3 shirts in black, not counting NYP orientation shirt. one mickey mouse, one cartoon, and one long sleeve shirt, but, yeah, it's still to casual. sians......
happy belated children's day...
Monday, October 01, 2007
work again.
it's all about work again.....
saturday: actually i am supposed to be at men side de. but ladies were more busy than men. so kally asked me go over to help them. then he told me, he will call me back when men side needs help. that didnt happen throughout. coz i was stuck at ladies throughout. then something pissed me off. my customer wanted to transfer a dress from other outlet to tampines, because she wanted to buy it. then my colleague helped me called up Seiyu, and they said they would transferred it down for us. after a few hours, Seiyu called us, KaiWen answered the phone, then they told him to tell me that there was a customer at Seiyu who wanted that dress, so they gave her that dress. then i am supposed to call up other outlets to find other outlets to transfer it down myself. DAMN IT!!!! i booked it first, they gave me their word that they would transfer it down, and now this shit. i was damn pissed off, my 'before-then-ok' mood was ruined lo. then i complained to almost everyone about it. and i cursed Seiyu to close down. derick said that would be impossible. so i changed my curse. i hope they will not hit anymore of their target. from this month onwards. luckily, Wendy Tarm was there. she heard what happened, and called up Seiyu and had a talk with them. and i got back the dress. and Seiyu transferred not only one, but 2 for me. haha. I WIN!!!!! luckily, wendy was there. woohoo. Seiyu sucks. i am going to mess up their outlet one day.
after work, went to blk 85 for supper again. because it twas claire's last day.kally kor kor came also, then he treated us most of it. hhaha... was yummy-li-cious. of course la... hahah
sunday: had morning shift today. only got gerwin and me. it was ok la~ then there was this quite good-looking guy who came and bought a french-cuffed shirt. haha. he damn cute.. reminds me of the 'gotcha' host. he spoke with english accent also. haha. then when gerwin left me all alone in the shirt when he went to the toilet, then someone wanted to pay, someone wanted me go into storeroom check stock for pants, i need go over opposite side to help that good looking guy check his shirt. but i couldnt go anywhere. stuck. instead of complaining and grumbling, like what people usally would do, that guy actually laughed at me and said, 'oh, you are being left alone, huh?' hahah. so cute la~ then he was like in a rush or something like tt. he didnt take his change. and it was 1 dollar lo.. hhaa....
then i worked OT for 2 hours. actually my shift is till 6pm, but i work till 8pm, as there were a lot of people. because of the voucher things la. my leg was damn tired, i was mentally tired too. then i crossed over to men side that time, i accidentally buang into someone, whom i didnt see, coz i was looking at ladies side, at who was making the sensor sound. when i buang onto that person, my first reaction was, 'oh, i buang-ed.' then i walked another way to go back men side. i didnt even know who i buang into. LOL. nv say sorry also. haha. then that Thomas saw what happened, the he told me, 'u walk never see clearly, happy happy knock into people de ah' something like tt.... i got nothing to say. except '我真的好累阿'..... haha. 2 hours OT really no joke. especially when i have to go over ladies for a lot of times.grr......
这个世界根本不需要恐怖份子, 因为ladies本来就是恐怖分子了。。。 其实,男人有时也不例外。。。
今天终于知道‘临时抱佛脚’的意思。新加坡人就是有这种态度,也完全发挥了kiasu精神。导致我今天要加两小时的班。 累到快看到星星了~~~~
saturday: actually i am supposed to be at men side de. but ladies were more busy than men. so kally asked me go over to help them. then he told me, he will call me back when men side needs help. that didnt happen throughout. coz i was stuck at ladies throughout. then something pissed me off. my customer wanted to transfer a dress from other outlet to tampines, because she wanted to buy it. then my colleague helped me called up Seiyu, and they said they would transferred it down for us. after a few hours, Seiyu called us, KaiWen answered the phone, then they told him to tell me that there was a customer at Seiyu who wanted that dress, so they gave her that dress. then i am supposed to call up other outlets to find other outlets to transfer it down myself. DAMN IT!!!! i booked it first, they gave me their word that they would transfer it down, and now this shit. i was damn pissed off, my 'before-then-ok' mood was ruined lo. then i complained to almost everyone about it. and i cursed Seiyu to close down. derick said that would be impossible. so i changed my curse. i hope they will not hit anymore of their target. from this month onwards. luckily, Wendy Tarm was there. she heard what happened, and called up Seiyu and had a talk with them. and i got back the dress. and Seiyu transferred not only one, but 2 for me. haha. I WIN!!!!! luckily, wendy was there. woohoo. Seiyu sucks. i am going to mess up their outlet one day.
after work, went to blk 85 for supper again. because it twas claire's last day.kally kor kor came also, then he treated us most of it. hhaha... was yummy-li-cious. of course la... hahah
sunday: had morning shift today. only got gerwin and me. it was ok la~ then there was this quite good-looking guy who came and bought a french-cuffed shirt. haha. he damn cute.. reminds me of the 'gotcha' host. he spoke with english accent also. haha. then when gerwin left me all alone in the shirt when he went to the toilet, then someone wanted to pay, someone wanted me go into storeroom check stock for pants, i need go over opposite side to help that good looking guy check his shirt. but i couldnt go anywhere. stuck. instead of complaining and grumbling, like what people usally would do, that guy actually laughed at me and said, 'oh, you are being left alone, huh?' hahah. so cute la~ then he was like in a rush or something like tt. he didnt take his change. and it was 1 dollar lo.. hhaa....
then i worked OT for 2 hours. actually my shift is till 6pm, but i work till 8pm, as there were a lot of people. because of the voucher things la. my leg was damn tired, i was mentally tired too. then i crossed over to men side that time, i accidentally buang into someone, whom i didnt see, coz i was looking at ladies side, at who was making the sensor sound. when i buang onto that person, my first reaction was, 'oh, i buang-ed.' then i walked another way to go back men side. i didnt even know who i buang into. LOL. nv say sorry also. haha. then that Thomas saw what happened, the he told me, 'u walk never see clearly, happy happy knock into people de ah' something like tt.... i got nothing to say. except '我真的好累阿'..... haha. 2 hours OT really no joke. especially when i have to go over ladies for a lot of times.grr......
这个世界根本不需要恐怖份子, 因为ladies本来就是恐怖分子了。。。 其实,男人有时也不例外。。。
今天终于知道‘临时抱佛脚’的意思。新加坡人就是有这种态度,也完全发挥了kiasu精神。导致我今天要加两小时的班。 累到快看到星星了~~~~
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