Wednesday, October 03, 2007

im addicted to msn de hexic again. hahha. last time, was HongYi introduced this game to me de, then i was addicted. after a while, i didnt play it anymore. recently, i am back at it. and i just broke my high score. 70k. hahha. i still have a long way to go la..... must play more, then i can train. hahha.

oh yah, i officially announce that i have 3 tong lei-s. WeiChong, Corinne and HongYi.

WeiChong is because we like Vincent Ng, and we both like the same wushu movie. 王者之锋. then there is also some common things between us.

Corinne is because she likes vincent ng too, then she knows 王者之锋 as well, and... we have a secret in common. tong lei, u know i know hor??? hahah.

HongYi is because... we are literature students. haha.

and the common things in all between me and my tong lei-s is that... we share a passion for wushu. hahhahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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